It has been a crazy couple of months with some unexpected hospital stays thrown in, but here are some bits of fun we fit in in-between.
Book Club
I'm enjoying meeting most Wednesdays (while L is at HOPE Prep) with a friend to discuss the book we are currently reading. We go through various parenting books and I've loved having consistent reading and friend time!
Heather's Visit
Heather came to run a half marathon. It was great having her visit for the weekend and cheering her on during the race.
Movie Night
Sunday movie nights are still a favorite family time. Recently we watched Father of the Bride 1 and eventually 2...I had forgotten how much I loved those movies!
IEA/IEA First Horse Show Weekend
Lorelei found out about a program (through her horse magazine) that allows kids to compete in horse shows even though they don't have a horse. She was very excited to try this for horseback riding lessons this year. Her first show was just south of Aunt Heather's place, so we enjoyed a short visit to Heather's as well as the show. (The boys likely won't go to most of the shows to cut down on cost etc.) Heather spoiled us, including fixing us hot breakfast (and fancy coffee) before we left at 5:30 AM.
Lorelei and Layla |
Coach Courtney helping prepare Lorelei for the show ring. |
Aunt Heather and Ronnie came to watch the show that afternoon. |
The Team. Lorelei placed second during the first show of the day and fourth during the second show. (Each horse show day really consists of two shows.) |
Lorelei in class wearing eye gear to help her learn not to look down. |
Funday Friday - Texas Civil War Museum and Mini Golf
This museum was recommended by a fellow mom in P.E. It was on my list for fall field trips, especially after finding out it would be closing permanently at the end of October. So glad we could see these amazing artifacts from the Civil War.
There was a mini golf course I'd been wanting to try only 10 minutes from the museum so we decided to add that to our afternoon. We loved it.
Finished out the afternoon with Andy's treats. Pumpkin Pie Concrete season is upon us, so this is a fav for me!
Each button was a different bugle call. There was also another station similar with each drum call. |
So many amazing flags. |
The moment we realized little brother is now taller than big sister!
October Date
Monthly dates are still going strong. This month we enjoyed going out for pie.
A Little Crafty
I'm struggling to get them to do much art these days, but they agreed to paint a fall decoration for their door. :)
I also found some small wooden pumpkins and Lorelei painted them and put them on the bookshelf. They turned out so cute.
I'm thankful for LEGO club to give this kiddo a reason to continue LEGO building. Sadly this is currently the only time he uses his LEGOS these days. He challenges himself to make sure it has some robotic element each month. This month his creation, The ExChanger, counted quarters and then would give you a dollar bill after four quarters were inserted.
He has to do a bit of programming with these. This time he consulted his dad and learned some helpful information! |
Sale Saturday
We had what has become our "usual" fall sale on the community garage sale weekend. While it wasn't as successful as they would have liked, they still made a little bit and enjoyed their time.