We have enjoyed some time playing with friends as well. Carly and Silas came over Tuesday. Silas has come to like Lorelei much more now that she screams at him less. :) He was so excited to see her and clung to her and gave her hugs and kisses. It was amusing to watch her look down at him wondering what was going on, much as poor Lily did when Lorelei would cling to her on her unsteady feet. We played for a bit and then even took a walk around Mt. Trashmore! This day I was amazed at how Lorelei was acting. She was not whining or throwing fits and even missed morning nap with no melt downs! However, I could tell that was not going to go over well this morning, so she is still taking a quick power nap, but don't think that will last much longer.
Did get her to blow a kiss finally!
Then today was MOMS playgroup at the park. It was a great day for the park, and Lorelei had a good time playing on the wooden truck they have there. She was very amused by the many friends of all ages she had to play with.
Then the highlight of her trip would have to be the dogs! She heard a dog barking and then saw Lily heading there so she had to go over as well. The lady who had her dogs at the park was very generous in letting the girls pet them and give them water...a petting zoo experience at the park! :) Of course the dog-lover Lorelei was thrilled and kept doing her panting noise at the dogs (thank Aunt Sarah for teaching her that). Funny story: the lady was firmly telling her dogs to "sit" so it was hilarious when Lorelei quickly sat down as instructed! :)
Then after a few trips down the slides (which means mom too!) we headed home. Hoping that fresh air will equal a nice long nap... ;)