"Look Mommy! My M!" |
Makin, at 3 1/2, you are our little boy who is full of sweetness and cuddles, but also attempting to put your foot down on so many things! This has been a little more challenging age, but still so much better than I could expect from you! :)
You are still a quick learner. You know most of your letters and their sounds. Although, when you see a big N you actually say its for Huskers. :) You love to sing songs. You also like to learn lots of words to books we read often. You are getting much better at writing your name, but do not like to practice it. :)
You still love green. And everybody who knows you knows it. :) Second runner up seems to be orange. :)
You still love all things sports and all things that go. You always want to play cars, planes or trains.
Sometimes if you hurt me (usually by accidentally head-butting me which seriously happens 3+ days a week!) you say "Where it hurt?" then you kiss it and then cup your hands in a little circle and put them over the owie like you are giving it a little hug.
You have quite the entourage when you go to bed. You require your sea horse, 2 puppies, elephant, a blanket or two over your bedding, and a variety of cars/monster trucks/planes.
You go "super duper fast" pretty much all the time. You also love to go fast and then dive to the ground like you are sliding into home plate. You have taught me why boys never have jeans to hand down to other people.
You are doing much better about trying new foods and getting to be less of a picky eater. A few things you have tried (not all that you necessarily like, but tried) include peanut butter (you still prefer almond butter), salt and pepper, pickles and spaghetti sauce, to name a few. :)
You do not like bad guys/gals on movies. You get very concerned for the characters in the movies and sometimes tear up because you are worried and have to come cuddle on my lap.
You are very particular about sooooo many things. We have had to adapt to figure out how to keep you from flipping out about things that most kids don't fret much about. (I learned recently this is a trait Brad had as a child so I'm glad I get to blame it on him. ;)) Just a few examples... Sometimes your pillow case corners stick out in a way that is not ok with you. No idea how we fix it, but we can spent 5+ minutes working to perfect the pillow arrangement. We had major seahorse placement issues for a while until we said it was up to you to arrange it yourself and we weren't moving it for you. Certain clothing items (like hoodies) can severely mess up carseat comfort etc. and don't even dream of getting water on those long sleeves!
You recently decided that your favorite hot wheels cars are the ones with spoilers on them. "Spoiyers" is how you say it but you are trying hard to get the "L" sound instead.
Makin's Favorites (His answers in red, my added answers following)
Cereal: Crispix and Chocolate Cheerios, Cheerios
Book: Mater the Spy Car, Both Little Blue Truck Books, Dinosaur Dig
TV Show/Movie: (when we watch them. :) ) Cars Two, Chuggington, Cars and Mater's Tall Tales (movies), Little Einsteins
Food: Mac N Cheese, Pancakes,
Snack: Raisens, crackers and cream cheese
Place At Home: the kitchen because I can eat eat eat, Playroom
Place Out: Red Robin,(apparently our kids have very good memories of RR!) Parks, church
Toy: Trucks, cars/things that go
Song: Jesus Loves Me, Away In A Manger (which we still sing sometimes even though its March)
Quotable Moments
Favorite place to eat is "ickdonalds"
Makin: Mom, you have to see my surprise. I have a dog but it doesn't poop in the yard.
Me: (after chuckling at that one) Where does it poop then?
Makin: The bad guy's yard.
It is amazing to me how car-minded he is. He was looking at a candy cane and then out of the blue said something about his surgery and how he got to watch cars while he was walking up. I asked him what made him think of his surgery. "The red stripes on the candy cane remind me of Lightening McQueen." I think he said something about they looked like car tracks going around it also. :)
(playing airplanes)
Makin: Lets go to Florida. (The toy airplanes.)
Me: Why are we going to Florida?
Makin: To see Gigi and Pops.
(I was making Makin's bed.)
"Where's my pillow sheet?" (asking about his pillow case)
"Guess what? Did you know I'm the slowest eater in the whole wide world?"
Heard often..."That was so hilarious." and "Mommy, I'm ravenous."
Me: Where do you want to live when you grow up?
Makin: In a donut shop so I can eat donuts all the time.
(As we were cooking supper, which included corn on the cob.)
(Loud gasp! from Makin)
"Cobs of corn!?!?!?! Yum!"
(I was getting onto the kids about arguing and how I'm tried of hearing them argue.)
M: I don't like arguing but we
have to.
Me: Why?
M: Because that's how we work it out.