"Makin is being a little over-dramatic."
The kids constantly ask me to read everything they see, including signs in the restroom. After reading the
Employees Must Wash Hands Before Returning To Work sign she said in complete disbelief, "Cuz some people don't know that!?!?" Amen sister.
Brad: Who went to California and got stuck on Route 66? (looking for the answer Lightening McQueen of course)

Lorelei: Ummmmm Jesus!!!
(Dying eggs...) "Its like all rainbowed! It was my idea!"
(Jumping on the trampoline with the sprinkler under it...) "This is the best day ever!!!"
Me: Don't you want to draw some petals on your flowers?
L: No. Those are dandelions and the petals blew off.
She asks lots of questions about Heaven. One example as of late...
Me: I would like Heaven to have an ocean. What do you think?
Lorelei: I would like Heaven to have a carnival.
(Filling her water cup with the frig water dispenser...) "I can do this with my eyes closed because I'm that talented."
"When I grow up I am going to have three dogs, three cats and three goldfish."
There is a Steve Songs Song she loves that she uses almost daily. "I'll be happier than a happy monkey." and a few other examples would be: madder than a mad monkey, sillier than a silly monkey, grumpier than a grumpy monkey. :) The rest of us are catching onto this trend too. :)
"Model pose!"
(Talking to her stuffed animals before heading to grandma and grandpas house...)"Okay now whoever wants to go with me raise your hand." (animals pretending to raise their hands) "Me! Me!"
"I wuv Raisin Canes food. It feels good in my tummy."
(Praying) "Thank you for God and the Holy Spiriment"
He LOVES to rhyme everything. Sometimes they are common sayings and sometimes they are totally him "ad libbing" so to speak. A few examples heard often, "Nice try sly." and "Your Welcome Shmelcome."
"Chickens make eggs, then we eat the eggs. That's good sharing."
"I don't know why Drue likes me so much. Maybe because I'm so funny."

(With toy/old cell phone) "I'm gonna look up how many cars are on facebook."
Me: We need to get something for Robin for being your teacher. What do you want to give her?
Makin: Hmmmm...FRUIT SNACKS!!!
Me: Hmmm we may need to think of something grown ups like...
Makin: Ummmm...salad?
"Andele Chica!" (Can you guess who taught him that one?)
"Mommy. I have an idea you're going to like...NOT!!!"
(He adds "NOT!" to the end of my sentences appropriately often which I find hilarious because normally 3 year olds do not get sarcasm! :) )
He knows how to be super-sweet to butter me up. One example is when he was supposed to be asleep and was going potty or something to put off . He gave me a little kiss and said, "Are you a wittle happy now?" Me: No. You should be asleep. M: But I kissed you...
A saying he has had quite a while when any of us give him an answer he says, "How do you even know?"