Our girl had a WONDERFUL first day of Kindergarten!
I was not sure how it was going to go. She has been very anxious about it for weeks so I was trying to be prepared for any type of morning she would have.
She was taking deep breaths during the walk into the school but went over to the table to string beads without any tears. I wish I could have captured her huge smile when we picked her up. :) She ran to me very excited and said, "Mommy I want to come back tomorrow!"
The reports from her first day included: The Kissing Hand activities - coloring page, scavenger hunt throughout school (way for them to learn where everything is in the school) and last but not least, a cookie shaped like a hand with a Hershey's kiss in the middle! And yes, I'm a big fan of the teacher so far! :) She also said she made 2-3 new friends. :) I got way more details about her day than I ever got from preschool. (Which, in my opinion, is because she was not exhausted when I picked her up like she was when I was picking her up at two o clock...leading to my next topic...)

I guess here would be a good chance for me to explain our choice of school for Lorelei's first year. She is going to Columbus Christian School because they have half day Kindergarten. I believe whole-heartedly that half day is developmentally appropriate and will be an advantage for her in the long run. I want her to have a love for learning and still be able to enjoy her freedom at home each afternoon. I have had many friends whose children struggle with all-day K and I'm so thankful that we are not having to deal with those issues. I also have friends in Virginia Beach, where they still have half day Kindergarten, and those children do not struggle academically. I could go on, but if you disagree, just contact me and I'll elaborate. :) This is the perfect fit for our family and it was an answer to prayer.
The other tidbits of her day...
Her First Day Breakfast request was a cinnamon roll and strawberries.
I saw the idea on pinterest of making a felt heart for her to keep in her pocket while at school. I told Lorelei about it and she seemed to really like that idea. Brad actually ended up sewing it for her Sunday night (yes very unlike me but I was labeling school supplies etc very last minute...crazy week or denial I'm not sure which) and she absolutely loved having it in her pocket. She said, "I only touched it...about 5 times throughout the day I think." :) The other quotable moment from this was then I first handed it to her and told her Brad sewed it for her she said, "I didn't know daddies could sew!"
The sock melt down. This girl has been in flip flops all summer and needed to wear tennis shoes for school. Not one single pair of socks would fit her comfortably. At this point I didn't even care if they didn't match! So, after roughly 20 minutes of tears, she went without any socks. This is what the war zone looked like afterwards.
Kissing Hand Paper |
We went for an ice cream treat after we picked her up. :)
Love that happy smile.
After lunch she played with Makin and Drue and there was lots of laughing before quiet time/nap. Was so great having her still be part of our day that afternoon!
We checked out some great school books from the library, but this one was my favorite.