Dots/Squares Game Is A New Favorite |
This girl is thrilled to be 6 1/2 and its not hard for me to believe most days. She is seeming so much older in many ways. Just this morning I had to give her five extra minutes while she accessorized getting a necklace and sparkly lip gloss on. She is still definitely still a mix of a little bit dirty and a little bit girly though. ;)
Although she and Makin do argue plenty, they are also very good friends. Lately she has gotten very protective of her brother and will often defend him if he is being punished/reprimanded.
One of my favorite sweet things that she does lately is leaves us little notes or pictures on our pillows.
She loves having time to herself during quiet time and finds plenty to do in her room by herself. After that time is up, however, she is talking a mile a minute asking her usual questions. It has been fun seeing how she is able to do new games and such at her age.
She still loves school and her favorite part is recess. :) What I'm most excited to see in the last month or so is the reading really coming along. She attempts to sound out pretty much every word she can find and is doing great. She seems to keep improving and is excited about it. I cannot believe I will soon have a full fledged little reader in the house!
She is measuring at 49 3/4 inches tall, which means she has grown 1 3/4 inches in the last 6 months.
Brad is thrilled his girl loves Subway sandwiches. |
Quotable Moments:
"I love you farther than the moon. I love you to the universe. I love you so much I can't even tell you."
Me: Are you doing better having an inside voice at school?
L: Yes. So I save my outside and grumpy voice for here! (home)
The truth!
"I love our family the most. But we can't tell anybody because that will hurt their feelings."
"I extinctly remember."
Me: Makin helped me pick out a new coffee pot.
L: Is it green?! (The tone like, MOM, I can't believe you would let
him pick because I'm sure he would choose a green one.)
Me: Are you painting a heart? (as she was painting my face with face paint)
L: Yes. That way everybody will know you are loved.
Me: Don't scratch off your scab or it could scar. That's what Mommy did with a chicken pock and got this scar.
L: (looks at it closely) It suites you.
Brad and I were explaining why there are lights above gas filling stations and Brad joked, "So you don't put gas in the wrong car."
Lorelei added, "And so you don't get diesel!"
"Oh no. My bow's falling out. Does it look droopy? Does it look like I don't have a mom?"
I helped with cookie baking for the school fund raiser, and was the overseer of the Snickerdoodles. I was told by a person at school something along the lines of, "If anybody is complaining just pray with them." I inwardly chuckled as that is just not really my style and repeated the story to Brad. After a full day of cookie baking I came home and the next morning Lorelei said, "Did you have to pray with anybody, Mom?" :)
Me: If you had the superhuman ability to fly, where would you go?
L: The Omaha Zoo...My Little Pony-land, actually.
At some moment in church they threw out the question, "What does your name mean?" Lorelei leaned over and whispered, "I think your name means bestest Mom ever."
L: We are saving up money for a cat.
Me: What about me being allergic?
L: We will ask them for a non allergic one.
Me: What about when it leaves hair everywhere?
L: Well, we are going to save up money for cleaners
and a cat.
(Helping me vacuum out the car)
"I don't want to break it, or one of your Christmas presents will be a vacuum...I can't afford a vacuum."
(Playing the ABC game)
Auntie Marilyn: You can see that?
L: That's cuz I have carrot eyes.
(Because I tell her carrots are good for your eyes and she eats lots of carrots. )
"Do you think we're still in cages?" (contagious)
"K-R-A-F-T. Kraft. It's a craft to them but its not a craft to us!" (Parmesan cheese container)