This spring has been plenty busy with various activities, but somehow I have taken quite a few pictures that don't fit into a certain category! :) So here you go!
Makin learned how to whistle. Loves to practice and has improved a lot! |
Now that we do not have soccer after copies on Tuesdays we have a few hours of Mommy and Makin date time.
This particular day he decided to practice soccer at a park. Yes, mom plays goalie in flip flops.
I'm starting to get a bit sentimental that these are our last few weeks to enjoy this! |
The kids had fun labeling Brad's office one day.
I also found a note on my grocery list.
Lorelei also makes it a habit to always write "I love you" somewhere on my grocery list. |
There were a few days where Makin seemed to want extra Daddy time.
He camped out in his office listening to music on his headphones. |
These may fit into a school category! :) How about, random school stuff? ;)
Fun Project Lorelei Did At School,
I was told they did get to eat the cream. :) |
There were a few days where listening to music on her headphones was a "thing",
when it was not a distraction from her assignment. The kids usually listen to Pandora stations - Steve Songs or Disney. |
Learning Money With Dad
Brad took the teaching reins and set up a store for our supper for extra money practice. |
Keeping Busy Building A Lego Horse During Home School |
Now back to random...
We had a decent sized hail storm.
L and M loved seeing it up close after the storm settled. |
One thing I love about being a no-tv house...the kids have endless chances to get creative.
One evening when I was cooking supper they decided paper bag puppets was the way to go.
It became quite the phase for that week or so and I loved seeing their creations. :)
And yes, tape is definitely on the grocery list.
Makin is participating in spring soccer right now. We were excited to use the Soccer Shots program again and signed up for a mid-day class on Wednesdays. This has made a bit of a mess of our school day, but I'm trying to avoid evening activities as long as possible. This is a different coach than he had in the winter, and while I liked the first coach better, this one will probably push Makin to improve, which is really the next step up from his first class. We have gotten rained out a couple of times already, so this will go a bit into summer. The bottom right picture we had to move to the basketball courts because the grass was so soggy, and it did rain for a few minutes during the class as well. :) Guess that is what you get when you play spring soccer!
Peyton gave Makin his old socks and shin guards and Makin is so excited to wear them!
One bit of unplanned news is that we got a new vehicle! We had hoped Big Red would last us one more year, but the AC went out, followed by the fuel pump...and there were just a lot of things wrong. So the decision was made that we buy something that (hopefully) won't break too many more times this year. ;) We have been wanting a Durango for a while now, so when Brad found one in our price-range (with a DVD player already specially installed for us to use on long road trips!) we felt the timing seemed right. While Makin was super-sad about Big Red (Lorelei doesn't get as attached to cars), he is excited for our new vehicle...who we are still working on naming.