Thursday, May 26, 2016

Finishing Up Preschool

After walking through the halls of Makin's preschool at some point in April I really started to feel that sadness of getting out of this stage. For some reason it felt like the preschool stage would go on forever and the realization that I will have two in grade school next year just feels so...old. I love the preschool stage. I love all the crafts hanging on the walls. I love circle time and center time...its just a fun age, and I'm so glad Makin has enjoyed this school year. He always has something new and fun from his day that he shares on the drive after school.

Pajama Day with Bunny
He loved being able to bring a stuffed animal that day
and they played with them during center time.

One thing I wanted to note was how proud I was of Makin's choices even at this young age. There were a couple of times he mentioned that some of the boys in his class were making bad choices and "trying to ruin the girl's day" so he did not play with them when they were doing that. I love that he already has that discernment and ability to not follow the crowd.

I was thrilled that Makin had a program in his classroom a couple weeks before school ended. They sang a few songs and then were presented with their preschool certificate.



He has enjoyed his year with Ms. Pam and Ms. Padma.
When he filled out his end-of-school cards for them, it said, "What I am going to miss most is..."
and he put "You" on each card. :)

This is what his teacher wrote on a comment for the assessment page they sent home: Makin is kind and well-mannered and excited about learning. He excels academically and will do well in kindergarten. We will miss him so much and wish you all a fantastic summer.

For his official last day they had a "field day" which meant they played a bunch of fun games inside and out. He really enjoyed it and it was a great way to end the year.

Makin's End Of School Year Interview - Preschool
What is your favorite class? Music
What is the best part of the school day? Recess
Who are your friends? Lynnwood and Victoria
What is something you learned in science? Celery in water changed color
What is something you learned in math? Adding
What is your favorite book that someone read to you? A duck making soup.
What food do you like to eat at snack? Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal
What is your favorite game to play at recess? Catch the Book
What do you like about your teachers? They are nice.
What do you look forward to for summer? Swimming

Last day celebration treat!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Finishing Up First Grade

Is it going to get any easier to grasp your child completing a grade?!? I think every year I will just be thinking, I cannot believe this is over. Lorelei has learned so much this year! We managed to survive our first year of "part time" home-schooling so that is another great achievement!

Praise the Lord adding double digits and carrying numbers came easy to her!!!

One of her latest history assignments was getting out and doing something to help the community. Lorelei suggested to her teacher that her class get out and pick up trash together, so they did that one school day. Then Lorelei still wanted to do that for our personal community activity, so we went across the street and filled three Walmart sacks before calling it good. This is something they did last year several times as a class at church, so I think that is what gave her the idea.

Lorelei's reading has improved tremendously this year, and this last month she has taken off even more.
One of the reading groups in her class was reading Flat Stanley these last few weeks, and since we already had the book, when she had "free choice" she chose to read that instead of her reader or our usual level books. Something more exciting about the chapter book and reading what your other classmates get to read.

Official last day of first grade pictures! On the last day of school Mrs. White had the students fill out a memory book and one question was, "If I could describe this year in one word, it would be..." and the word Lorelei chose was "perfect." Made me smile.

We cannot say enough things about how much we loved Mrs. White. She has been such an amazing teacher to partner with this year, and dedicates herself so much to each student. It has been awesome and we can't imagine a better fit.

Treat Bag From Mrs. White

Lorelei's End Of School Year Interview - Grade 1
What is your favorite class? Science
What is the best part of the school day? Recess
Who are your friends? My Whole Class
What is something you learned in science? About Volcanoes
What is something you learned in math? To Add And Subtract
What is your favorite book to read by yourself? Flat Stanley
What is your favorite book that someone reads to you? The Berenstain Bears
What food do you like to eat at snack? Chex and Kix
What is your favorite game to play at recess? Farm Animals (we pretend to be animals and owners)
What do you like about your teacher? She is very, very, VERY, (all the very's you can say) nice.

What do you look forward to for summer? Swimming In Our Pool 

Our end-of-school tradition of an ice cream treat!
(Makin has another week and a half of preschool, so they get double treats this year!)

On the first day of school, Lydia asked her mom to go to Braum's for ice cream because she knew that was where Lorelei was going, so it was really fun that the girls saw each other at Braum's again on the last day. Lydia is going to public school next year, and we will miss seeing them regularly, but we are looking forward to still getting together for playdates.

We are still going to have to work on reading and math this summer a bit so she doesn't get rusty and hopefully coasts a bit more in second grade, but we are so excited for lots of fun the next few months! Summer here we come! :)

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mother's Day

I am so blessed to be a mom to these two amazing kiddos! I was able to celebrate Mother's Day with breakfast in bed, lunch out, a short walk around a pond and some time to myself that afternoon as well.

Thursday the first graders came out each holding a rose for their mom. It was so sweet!

My breakfast in bed! (No, not all for me. ;))

I got some very special hand-written cards from the kids and they were both so proud to come home from school with something prepared to give me.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Spring Musical

Little brothers Charlie and Makin
keeping busy while their sisters are practicing.
These two are excited to be in K together next year.
Each year GCA has a spring musical. I'm amazed at how much Mrs. Smith put into this and love that our children will get to experience putting on this type of production and having a common goal with their classmates. The younger grades learn a couple of songs with actions to join in part of the program. Then as the grades go up, they get more songs/parts. This year's play was great and was a fun night out as a family.

Tuesday mornings Rhett's grandma comes to help with reading groups, so the kids just call her Nana. We happened to find seats right next to her so Lorelei was chatting it up happily. When I talked to Nana earlier that week and said my daughter was Lorelei she said, "Oh good, I just love that girl!"

This one doesn't have Lorelei in it...just wanted to show this part for fun. :)

Lorelei is in a purple shirt, from this view she is third row from the front, second person from the left...hope that makes sense.

Lorelei and Lydia

Lorelei has loved her Thursday art class this year. A couple of her pieces were displayed at the church the night of the musical. I also happened to catch a chance to get a picture of her with her art teacher. Top right pic is the heart and bottom right hers is the picture of the giraffe. 
She has loved knowing how to make this type of special artwork!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

"Oh Brother" and Tying Shoes

Every once-and-a-while Lorelei likes to go under the table to do her school work. A week or so ago it became a very elaborate construction build of each child making their own "office" under/beside the table. (Eventually waaaayyy messier-looking than this picture!) I got a pretty good chuckle one day after school when Lorelei went into her office and had to add several signs asking her brother to quit shooting her with bows and arrows. The pictures just say to me...having a little brother is such a pain! :) Really though, they get along really well most of the time!

I had to chuckle at one of those "I will never" mom moments that came up recently. I have avoided teaching Lorelei to 1) tie her shoes and 2) ride a bike without training wheels. She just didn't seem to have the self control for me to be able to teach her calmly! Well, then came the moment of her toe being squished in her tennis shoes. Then came shopping and only two shoes that had no laces in her size, one of which being the exact style shoe she just grew out of, the other also being the same, minus a few zebra rainbow lines...soooo the mom who said she would NEVER send her child to school with laces unless she knew how to tie them...DID. I made her promise to practice every day and said she couldn't keep wearing them if she didn't try to learn, and sure enough, with minimal days and minimal tears, she learned! So who wants to teacher her to ride without training wheels!?