I had two Friday nights in a row out. It was definitely a change for this mom! We had a Mom's Night "In" at Courtney's house, where we had appetizers and desserts and played a game of Taboo.
The following Friday didn't quite go as we had hoped. We had already ordered tickets to the school fundraiser event before finding out our sitter situation was not going to work out, so it turned out to be another night out for me while Brad took care of the kids at home.
So thankful I get to spend time with these ladies every week! Sonya, Brittany, Mrs. White |
1st Grade Moms (7 out of 12 of us anyway!) |

It must have warmed up just a day or two (it has been mostly cold and rainy this month) and the kids enjoyed a chance to turn the patio into a Lego City. This was their compromise when two (Lexi was over) wanted to play Legos and one wanted to go outside! :)Art Field Trip
Our beloved Mrs. Britton was willing to come back and have an "art day" field trip for us at school. The kids were so excited to see her and loved having a Friday afternoon to work on a special art project with friends.
We did watch some of the Olympics, but not as much as Brad and the kids would have liked. The kids had a couple of Olympic competitions at school that were fun.
Reading Olympics for 1st Grade (This boy doesn't just go off and read for fun at this point, but anytime there is a challenge like this he hits his minutes goal as quickly as possible.)
P.E. Olympics
The Cold
Well I was quite proud we made it through this crazy flu season without the flu OR a cold. until about a week into February...then my pride was cut down when I (the one who rarely gets sick!) was the first one to catch the worst cold I can remember having, at least in quite a while! Brad and Makin were next. (As in at least a couple of days of being super tired/body hurting...yes, I went to a quick care and the doctor said it wasn't the flu!) Lorelei stayed strong...an apple a day really does seem to keep the doctor away! She is eating like the rest of us and drinking our vitamin drink but somehow she stayed strong...the only known difference...she eats an apple almost every day!!! :)