Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Pine Cove

The school decided to take the 4th and 5th graders to Pine Cove this year. This is a camp that does animal/science education as well as various camp activities. Of course, this meant I would go as well because that's just how we roll around here. I'm not a huge camper, but knew Lorelei would be elated to go. A few of her classmates were unable to make it, but she loved getting time with the ones who did.

Mrs. Smith and I showing the kids how you play tetherball!

Temporarily capturing bugs to get a closer look at them.


Our view as we walked to the main section from our cabins.

"Campfire" time. The kids loved the songs and stories the Pine Cove Staffers sang/told.

Our usual walk from the cabin.

So most of you know Lorelei is reeeeeally not a fan of heights. She was adamant she would not participate in ziplining and would not be talked into it. Addison persuaded her into joining her for The Breathtaker the next day. They were able to tell them "stop" so it didn't go as high as they could have, but it was still an exciting feat for Lorelei!

Thrilled the lemur came right up to her.

Pet a sloth? Yes please! Mom did too! (How could you not?)
This sloth was the most active I have ever seen. He probably should have been named Flash. ;)
Standing on chairs each meal after they enter.
Then they have to yell "open the doors please" for the food to be served.

This one was probably a bigger feat than The Breathtaker. The Barn Swing. This girl instantly wanted to try it (the least high of these types of activities seemed more appealing to her) but then got to the top and realized it was higher than it looked and walked right back down. I had to do some serious talking and she agreed to try it if I went first. I did (also agreeing its way scarier when you get to the top!) and had a great swing in the barn! Then she was super hesitant but finally did it! So proud of her. Then I really wanted her to try one more time and bribed her with extra cake at supper so she actually went twice. :) (Regretted that one because suddenly it was more exciting to get cake than be proud that she overcame her fear...but even old moms like me make mistakes... ;) )

Whoo Hoo!

The proud group in front of the barn! One of my absolute favorite things about these few days was hearing the students encourage each other. Anytime a student was scared (and you know this happened a bit with L) they were super encouraging and it just made me happy she has those types of students around her each week at school.

The students used mud and debris they found nearby to build a structure.
Then they proceeded to show them what happens when weather hits.
Lorelei's group's structure actually held up fairly well considering this "storm".

First time in a canoe!

This seems to be one of Lorelei's favorite memories of the trip.
Pizza Polo. This is basically a version of Marco Polo they played in their cabin...a girl walked around wearing the pizza sleeping bag while the other girls hid. She loved having so much friend time.

Learning more about animals is always a hit with my kiddos!
This speaker was great and it was wonderful to see the birds so close and learn some amazing facts.

Pine Cove Group 2018
(Lorelei is front row, fourth from the left.)

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Makin At Eight

Makin at eight you...

Are still my sweet boy. You are very perceptive if anyone is sad or mad and try to make it better however you can.

Love sports. You are competitive and give 100% which makes us so proud. You are really enjoying being back in soccer this fall and play soccer at most recesses. You have a huge passion for golf, which makes your dad and I smile so much.  You love any chance you can get to go play golf with your dad. You absolutely love Husker football. I'm amazed at your football knowledge from watching the Husker games. You have bartered sleeping in and going to bed early in order to stay up to watch a late game because you are, "willing to do anything to watch the Husker game."

Are a leader. I love seeing this in DI where you have no problem taking charge of your group. Most listen well to you because you seem to have earned their respect. You also know how to talk respectfully to others which is awesome.

Love cats.

Love Legos.

Love robots.

Have an artistic/creative side. You are not necessarily inclined to work on an art project or the like, but when you do, it turns out great.

Enjoy drumming. You have natural rhythm and began drumming class recently.

Like reading mysteries. You also really like fantasy/adventure books as you have loved the first two books of the Chronicles of Narnia series that I read aloud. You don't go off and read for fun yet, but as soon as you take time to read a book, you get so into it you don't want to put it down until you finish it.

Do not like being alone. When I fit quiet time into the schedule you really argue with me about it. If your sister lets you, you will read at the end of her bed while she is reading too.

Quoteable Moments:

"My hair likes one style. Flat."

B: Remember buddy, aim small, miss small.
M: What does that even mean?

M: Where am I going to go to college?
B and E: Wherever you want as long as its in the budget.
M: I know! I'll just go wherever Charlie goes!

"Will you come outside with me? It's just boring without you. You make everything fun!" (Persuasive tactics at their finest!)

"The Hopi tribe used buffalo bladders for cups. And I don't know if they cleaned them out."

"Guess what? Charlie had a really really old coin. It's like from the 1990s."

"I didn't kick you. I footed you."

Brad: Mommy is looking for eggs that are cage free, hormone free, soy free...pretty soon her eggs are just gonna be water.
Me: I think Daddy is making fun of my eggs.
Makin: No, he is making fun of your crunchiness.

M: I forgot my secret ingredient!
B: It's not a secret if you tell us.
M: It's a family secret.

(Red Lobster, referring to the red sauce to dip his popcorn shrimp into...meaning cocktail sauce...)
"I really hope this isn't cockroach sauce."

Makin's Eight Year Interview
Favorites -
Food: Pesto Alfredo Mac
Place: Legoland
Movie/TV Show: Nexo Knights
Color: Green
Thing To Do: Build with Legos, Golf
Animal: Cat
Books: A-Z Mysteries
Song: Believer by Imagine Dragons
Treat: Dirt
Holiday: Christmas

What do you like to do with Daddy? Build with Legos and Knex

What do you like to do with Mommy? Play Games

What do you like to do with Lorelei? Play Outside

What makes you happy? Legos/Nexo Knights

What do you think about before you fall asleep? Tomorrow

What do you want to be when you grow up? Robotical engineer

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Lorelei At Ten

I have to admit, I'm extra emotional about this one. I look back at the posts each birthday and realize I comment how hard it is for me to believe you are this old. But this old?!?! Double Digits. A decade. Ten years ago you made me mommy. Its so hard for me to think of how grown up you have become over those ten years. As I was feeling nostalgic and looking back I found one of your many, many adorable quotes and I'm trying to let your wise words at age 3 1/2 help me now too..."When I was talking about how grown up you are getting and saying it makes me sad you are getting so old you said, "It okay. I still gonna be Lorelei." "

Okay, here we go...At TEN you...

Still love the outdoors, animals and art. These are all just such a huge part of you and that has not changed one bit.

Are a bookworm. In your spare time you love to go off and read. You mostly read books about animals but honestly are up to trying almost any book. It makes me so excited and proud of you that you are such an avid reader.

Love friend time. No matter how many times we get together, you want every moment to keep going and cannot get enough time with your friends. You are also very good at welcoming new friends.  As you have new classmates each year, you make it your goal to include them.

Are still enthusiastic and energetic about all of your passions. This enthusiasm is something I often take for granted. Each day is still an adventure for you.

Adore hula dancing and all things Hawaiin. You love to teach friends your hula routine and cannot wait to go to Hawaii someday. Right now you say that is where you will go to college.

Wear me out every day. You still have a short fuse and we work daily on self-control. You have such a good heart but your temper often gets the better of you.

Have great ideas.

Are still quite tall. You reached the 5 foot mark when we measured you on your birthday.

Work daily on your persuasive tactics.

Quotable Moments:

Me: Count sheep. Pretend they are jumping over a fence as you count them.
L: You mean they are escaping?!

(Brad and I attempt to explain something about Catholics and Saints...)
"Wait, does that mean they pray to St. Bernards?"

"Can I just have one more hug and kiss? That way our hearts aren't broken."

"Maybe we can take him to a Robologist." (Robot doctor)

L: What license plate is that?
B: I think it's New Mexico.
L: Ohhh I want to see if they look Spanish!

Me: If my name was Steward I would want people to call me Stew.
L: Then people would want to eat you.

Lorelei's Ten Year Interview

Favorites -
Food: Spaghetti
Place: Clearwater Marine Aquarium and Pet Stores, anything with animals
Movie/TV Show: Dolphin Tale I and II, Winter The Dolphin That Can
Color: Pink and Purple
Thing To Do: Read and Ride Horses
Animal: Dog, Cat, Horse, Dolphin
Books: Winter the dolphin books, High Hurdles series, Dog/Horse Diaries
Song: Songs by Jewel
Treat: Killer Brownies
Holiday: Christmas

What do you like to do with Daddy? massaging backs, coloring

What do you like to do with Mommy? coloring, pedicures, reading books

What do you like to do with Makin? playing cats dogs, Mixels (Legos), playing outside

What makes you happy? animals

What do you think about before you fall asleep? riding horses

What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be three things. A person that works at Clearwater Marine Aquarium, Petco and a Horse Jumper in the Olympics.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Makin Turns Eight

Makin knew exactly how he wanted to spend his day - favorite foods, building Legos all day with Charlie and watching Husker football. :) I gave both kiddos the option of a party this year and this is what Makin chose. When I asked if he was having a good day he said, "No, I'm having a GREAT day." :) So thankful we have had several years of weekend birthdays!

School Treat Buddies

Makin choose donuts as his bday breakfast and wanted to wait for Charlie
 and his family to arrive so we could all have donuts together.

Makin loves Nexo Knights so Aaron stopped by for a little meet and greet. ;)

Working hard on Legos!

You may be in shock but I did not bake a single cake this birthday season!
An Oreo ice cream cake was requested this year.
It was Makin's golden birthday (Turning eight on the eighth!) so we had gold candles.

Some Husker football to finish up his day.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Lorelei Turns Ten

We had a great time celebrating our girl turning TEN.

First, we celebrated with friends at the lake after school. Brad and I realized as we were hauling everything there that this was our first party ever out of the house! It went smoothly and everyone seemed to have a fun time.

You may be ice cream Texas?
Yeah, I'm just that crazy. Yes, it melted fast.

We invited our neighbor over for ice cream to celebrate a couple days later.

For the big day we headed to the zoo after opening gifts. She had such a fun day being outside and seeing the various animals.

When you grow 3 inches a year its definitely time for a new bike!
She is loving it!

"Papa's french toast" was the requested breakfast. AKA made with cinnamon swirl bread :)

Our traditional pic with the bday kiddo! 
He took his map reading seriously. :)

Watching the "surprise" baby elephant (they rescued elephants from somewhere they are poaching them and didn't realize one of them was pregnant) play in in the water was one of my favorite parts of the zoo.

It was so hot! The misters felt great!

Bubble machine + fog machine = coolest bubbles ever!

She loooooved this goat!

This girl is smart enough to know when its your birthday and you have birthday money Mom won't say "you have too many stuffed animals!" :) She even bought her brother one too.

Her sweet friend from Kindergarten must have her bday on her calendar.
They did facetime at the zoo. :)

She requested Red Lobster for supper and dessert.

After getting home and showering she had room to finish off her cake.