Makin at eight you...
Are still my sweet boy. You are very perceptive if anyone is sad or mad and try to make it better however you can.
Love sports. You are competitive and give 100% which makes us so proud. You are really enjoying being back in soccer this fall and play soccer at most recesses. You have a huge passion for golf, which makes your dad and I smile so much. You love any chance you can get to go play golf with your dad. You absolutely love Husker football. I'm amazed at your football knowledge from watching the Husker games. You have bartered sleeping in and going to bed early in order to stay up to watch a late game because you are, "willing to do anything to watch the Husker game."
Are a leader. I love seeing this in DI where you have no problem taking charge of your group. Most listen well to you because you seem to have earned their respect. You also know how to talk respectfully to others which is awesome.
Love cats.
Love Legos.
Love robots.
Have an artistic/creative side. You are not necessarily inclined to work on an art project or the like, but when you do, it turns out great.
Enjoy drumming. You have natural rhythm and began drumming class recently.

Like reading mysteries. You also really like fantasy/adventure books as you have loved the first two books of the Chronicles of Narnia series that I read aloud. You don't go off and read for fun yet, but as soon as you take time to read a book, you get so into it you don't want to put it down until you finish it.
Do not like being alone. When I fit quiet time into the schedule you really argue with me about it. If your sister lets you, you will read at the end of her bed while she is reading too.
Quoteable Moments:
"My hair likes one style. Flat."
B: Remember buddy, aim small, miss small.
M: What does that even mean?
M: Where am I going to go to college?
B and E: Wherever you want as long as its in the budget.
M: I know! I'll just go wherever Charlie goes!

"Will you come outside with me? It's just boring without you. You make everything fun!" (Persuasive tactics at their finest!)
"The Hopi tribe used buffalo bladders for cups. And I don't know if they cleaned them out."
"Guess what? Charlie had a really really old coin. It's like from the 1990s."
"I didn't kick you. I footed you."
Brad: Mommy is looking for eggs that are cage free, hormone free, soy free...pretty soon her eggs are just gonna be water.
Me: I think Daddy is making fun of my eggs.
Makin: No, he is making fun of your crunchiness.
M: I forgot my secret ingredient!
B: It's not a secret if you tell us.
M: It's a
family secret.
(Red Lobster, referring to the red sauce to dip his popcorn shrimp into...meaning cocktail sauce...)
"I really hope this isn't cockroach sauce."
Makin's Eight Year Interview
Favorites -
Food: Pesto Alfredo Mac
Place: Legoland
Movie/TV Show: Nexo Knights
Color: Green
Thing To Do: Build with Legos, Golf
Animal: Cat
Books: A-Z Mysteries
Song: Believer by Imagine Dragons
Treat: Dirt
Holiday: Christmas
What do you like to do with Daddy? Build with Legos and Knex
What do you like to do with Mommy? Play Games
What do you like to do with Lorelei? Play Outside
What makes you happy? Legos/Nexo Knights
What do you think about before you fall asleep? Tomorrow
What do you want to be when you grow up? Robotical engineer