Wrapping Up Yearbook
After returning from our trip it was time for me to get back into work mode. I had blocked off the last week of May as a yearbook work week. This meant I basically worked on yearbook all day every day other than feeding the family. This also included a couple of days going into school to work with the high schoolers to finish up their spreads. I was hoping to be done by June 1st, but ended up working on it most days until June 8th. I was thankful for friends helping out to get us through it, but it was definitely
not my favorite couple of weeks. I basically wanted a book similar to what I grew up working on, but that was five days a week with a staff of twenty people. This was one day a week with six students who had never done this type of book before...but hopefully, everyone will enjoy their book this year at GCA! (And really by this point I just hope nobody's name is misspelled.)
No surprise this guy came to the rescue for me countless times throughout this whole process. |
Autumn and Christi came to edit and catch mistakes. There were lots. So thankful. |
Brad is following a Paleo diet and the idea of figuring out a birthday treat for him was doable but a bit overwhelming, especially with minimal prep time. Emily feeds her family paleo and kindly offered to bake Brad's cake! |
Keeping Cool
Lorelei and Maci loved the lazy river at Jack Carter Pool. |
Summer Reading
We love all the extra time we have to read in the summer!
Brad's Birthday
Brad took the afternoon off and we had an afternoon golf outing. Then we enjoyed some cake.
Lorelei sewed this for him this year. |
Sunday Sundae's
The kids love any excuse for ice cream. (They take after their mother. ;) ) We may end up with having some each Sunday if we can remember.
Park Time
The weather has been surprisingly cool for June in Texas so we fit in some park time!
Fourteen Years
Brad and I celebrated our 14 year anniversary by going out for supper. Christine even volunteered to watch the kids so we could go out kid-free.
Peter Rabit
We caught Peter Rabit at the theater for their $1 summer movies. This has become one of their favorite movies and really make them laugh.
Lego Headboard
This has been a work in progress for some time and Makin was so excited to finally get his headboard up!