We had some major disappointments surrounding coronavirus, the biggest one being state DI and globals being canceled. It was so hard to swallow when these kiddos had earned a chance to advance and then didn't get to.
DI's Unexpected End
(Felt like this was the best place to post these few DI pictures...)
We had a Super Solver workday to prep for state before spring break. We were totally pumped. We spent just a couple of hours and fixed problems with our front drops as well as improved the script and found some ways to improve/incorporate the hula more into the skit. Although I'm totally bummed, it was really nice to see what just a few hours could do to improve after some feedback and I think it helped us think ahead for how we can improve for future competitions.
Going to include these pictures from our last Thursday of DI. We had a celebration day with a fun instant challenge (build a famous landmark) followed by an ice cream treat and going over scores and some brainstorming.
The Eiffel Tower |
The Leaning Tower Of Pisa |
Least Favorite
One of my least favorite things about the quarantine has been grading and scanning and uploading the kid's assignments for school. As much as I try to stay positive, it should be mentioned that this takes up large amounts of my time and I just do not like it!
My other least favorite part is grocery shopping. Because this is a way to preserve what this moment was like I'm doing my best to be candid about it. I try to go to the store minimally, and the first week I ventured out during this craze there were many, many empty shelves. I came home from that trip feeling like I just brought all the germs into the house and I was sure to just make everyone sick because I bought groceries. The second attempt went better. The stores were better stocked and the people shopping didn't seem as tense. It was morning rather than an evening, not sure if that is why.
(Please know we haven't gone even close to being hungry, just have had to make adjustments to meal planning and I had to shop two weeks in a row which I was trying to avoid!)
Rice Aisle. |
Pasta Aisle |
Thumbs up for the food shortage...they were out of our usual cereals
but the kids thought it was pretty awesome because they got to have sugary cereal! |
Attempting to shop online but everything is "out of stock." |
Making sure you keep your distance in line. |
We always try to choose joy amidst the sadness of our situations. Honestly the part about slowing down and being home more...it is what I always miss about when the kids were younger and weren't in activities. I really love the chance to be activity free with zero guilt. So, here is what we have been up to lately.
30 Day LEGO Challenge
Brittany asked if Makin would like to do this and he and Charlie could compare their builds at the end of each day. They have loved it and it is so much fun to see how different their creative projects are. A few other friends have joined in the fun too. Many days Makin and Charlie facetime, and sometimes we just share pictures.
Here are the first 15 days! (Ok, 14...I missed getting a picture of one!)
The collage is not in challenge day order, but I'll put a short description starting at top left...treehouse, circus, boat to escape island with friends, tough pickup truck, time machine (below truck), house, captain hooks ship, new rocket for NASA, Star Wars scene, castle, new monument (below castle) roller coaster, space ship, tallest tower
Lorelei chose to only join in on the builds she was interested in. :)
House, treehouse, hotel (which is for animals of course), tallest tower, circus
Just a typical Lego afternoon. :) |
Makin built a roller coaster on his first day of the challenge.
I deemed a section of the coaster unsafe, which he simply stated,
"That's why they are wearing helmets mom." |
5th graders catching up after a few weeks not seeing each other. |
We have had zoom calls and videos for school. This is making this non-media Mamma lose her mind a bit, but trying to remember its only temporary.
Backyard Fun
We have always loved backyard time and now is no different!
The kids have had fun catching lizards any day they can find them.
We enjoy a chance to get some homeschool done outside when the weather is gorgeous.
We play plenty of games and Lorelei joined in on the tape/chalk artwork idea going around.
Slip - what we call catching the football in a wet yard! |
Bocce ball on a weekend |
Croquet using Grandma's set. |
We even had to fit in a haircut for Brad - a first for us!
We have a list of art we would like to work on for the upcoming weeks.
Lorelei came up with her own ideas on how to do some Harry Potter art
which she used to decorate her room. |
When I was making our Quarantine Bucket List (you aren't really surprised are you?!) Makin requested we add wii to the list since we don't often play that. We enjoyed playing one Saturday morning.
You know this lady needed some lists to get through this! As I already mentioned, we have a Quarantine Bucket List of fun things we would like to do, although the kids are keeping plenty busy so far with just being outside in their spare time! Some days we even almost forget to do the Lego build for the day.
I also always seem to have a neverending list of house tasks that makes me feel behind. Being able to be at home gives me a chance to work hard making a dent in that list. My goal is to knock at least one item off the list every day, as long as I have also had some fun with my kids that day! I have really liked this focus and when this one gets done I'll still have plenty to add to the next list. Maybe I will finally feel caught up by May!?
April Fools
The kids had fun this year playing some pranks and got some comical ideas from their echo dots. I managed to get them back a tiny bit because there was a fake photo stating that students would have to repeat their school year do to coronavirus.