Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Makin At Ten

The big TEN. Although there is a part of me who in no way wants her "baby boy" to be this old, realistically you are really owning your age. You are kind-hearted and funny and smart. We are so thankful for you!

You have taken up some new hobbies lately, including gardening, fishing, and cooking. You tried growing pumpkins and that was very fun, but we think bugs got them or we over-watered. You can't wait to try more gardening in the spring.  You love to try to fit in time to fish whenever possible. Your favorite food to cook is eggs. :)

You love sports, especially golf and football. Right now you are getting to play both and really enjoying it! You cannot wait for the Husker's season to begin so you can watch!

You are a quality time kid.

You really only want to read Harry Potter.

You only want to wear athletic clothing and favor Under Armor. (Thankful it can all be consignment so far!) Even polos need to be that same material. You vary what colors you like, but neon is consistent. 

You have an expensive taste overall and told me once, "I like things to look sleek." (Thank goodness you are learning to budget early!)

You think life is meant to be lived in pajamas as much as possible.

You don't play Legos quite as much in your spare time, but have still come up with some fun creations for sure! These are some warriors.

Quotable Moments:
Me: That croquet set is 70 years old!
Makin: Okay, we really shouldn't be playing with that. It's vintage!

"I want, like, retired police dog quality."

(Me, sad we are breaking our 7-week streak not eating out..) "You did good mom."

"We are becoming more plant-ish."

"Any woman in their right mind likes Starbucks."

(Telling time on an analog clock...) "I can do it. It just takes some deep thinking."

"I hope they have Little Ceasar's pizza in heaven."

Makin: You were doing the moonwalk. (Really I was walking backward taking off my slippers.)
Me: Do you even know what the moonwalk is?
Makin: Do you even know what the moonwalk is?
Me: Yes, it's really old.
Makin: Oh, I thought I was really new.

"Who are you calling a kid? I'm a fourth-grader!"

Makin: You could ask Christine. She is optimistic.
Me: What do you mean by optimistic?
Makin: You know, she can do stuff at the last minute.
Me: You mean spontaneous.
Makin: Oh yeah, I knew it was a big word.

(Me reading...)
Makin: It should say, "indignantly."
Me: I'm impressed you knew that word.
Makin: It's from Harry Potter. They use a lot of good words.

Makin's Ten Year Interview
Favorites -
Food: Pesto Stuffed Shells
Place: Wherever my family or friends are
Movie/TV Show: Harry Potter
Color: Neon Orange
Thing To Do: Read and Play Chess and spend time with my family
Animal: African Gray Parrot
Books: Harry Potter (all of them), Gryffon Chronicles
Song: Hedwig Theme
Treat: Ice Cream or Jelly Beans
Holiday: Christmas

What do you like to do with Daddy? Play Chess and Golf

What do you like to do with Mommy? Have her read chapter books and playing catch

What do you like to do with Lorelei? Play Labrinth and Chess

What makes you happy? Reading, Playing with Frosty, Playing golf, spending time with family, Legos, playing with friends

What do you think about before you fall asleep? The next day

What do you want to be when you grow up? Robotical engineer/business owner

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Lorelei At Twelve

Twelve. How in the world are you already here? You are our animal-loving friendly girl. While you may have your shy moments around people you don't know well, you will speak up fiercely if someone brings up something you feel strongly about.

You are completely enamored with all things Harry Potter.

You enjoy spending your extra time on Polynesian, horseback, golf and DI.

You have always had big emotions. During these preteen years they may be even bigger. We work on it daily.

You love, love, LOVE to read. You are not that picky about your books, but reread Harry Potter often and especially love any and all books with animals.

You have wanted bangs for a while and worked to prove you should get them by fixing your hair. Now that you have bangs you never fix your hair. ;) The bangs and glasses came within days of each other and I'm still getting used to the new look.

You are up for trying almost any food.

You consistently plan a "Save the Sealife/Save Winter Day" we have had to put off executing because of Covid. You love to plan this with your friends and in your spare time and have written out lots of plans. I cannot wait to see you put it all together.

You seem to love to argue.

You are always up for a new adventure.

You wish I would let you be more independent in many ways. You have no idea why I won't send you away all summer to summer camp. Just one example. ;)

You got as many books covering all things Marine Biology as you could from the library.

Quotable Moments:

Me: What have I taught you about choosing friends?
Lor: Make sure they aren't a brat. Or a cheater. Or a pumpkin eater.

Me: I think he's a three.
Lor: Maybe he's a three wing one.
Me: That's not possible.
Lor: I know. I was trying to be annoying.

Me: Governor Abbot requires masks so we are basically in Quarantine #2.
Lor: Is it possible to sue him for this?

Me: The boys are going to talk first. (Zoom call)
Lor: Okay! I'll be studying marine biology!

Me: How can he like grapefruit juice?
Lor: Well, he is Canadian.

Me: I am looking forward to checking Daddy's office off the list.
Lor: Yeah. It'll be back on the list in what, three months?

"Before I go to college you gotta take me to a hotel and teach me how to make a waffle!"

"It's just a boy from the city trying to bring a little country home." (Attempting to persuade me to let Makin bring a tumbleweed home.)

"School is exercise for your brain! So you shouldn't have to wear a mask!" (bc masks aren't required while exercising)


Lorelei's Twelve Year Interview

Favorites -
Food: Spaghetti
Place: Clearwater Marine Aquarium, Four Fillies Farm, School
Movie/TV Show: Harry Potter
Color: Pink
Thing To Do: Read
Animal: Dog, Horse, Dolphin
Books: Harry Potter Series, High Hurdles Series
Song: Together From Afar from the How To Train Your Dragon Soundtrack
Treat: Butterbeer, Chocolate Frogs, Dirt, Better Than Anything Cake, Pumpkin Pasties, Ice Cream
Holiday: Christmas

What do you like to do with Daddy? massaging backs and golf

What do you like to do with Mommy? read books

What do you like to do with Makin? play chess

What makes you happy? animals and reading

What do you think about before you fall asleep? What I did that day and what I'm doing the next day

What do you want to be when you grow up? Marine Biologist

Thursday, September 17, 2020

The One With The Hurricane

Because we have postponed what we call our "Ultimate Florida Trip" twice now due to Covid, we thought a drivable trip to the beach sounded like a great way to have a family getaway. I spent hours picking out just the right condo and getting notes for the area's fun places to eat etc. There wasn't much on the agenda other than beach time and we were excited to have a week to relax.

We got in late Friday evening so Brad made a quick run for essentials to tide us over that we hadn't brought with us...wine, creamer, coffee filters, and cinnamon rolls. ;) Since we got in later than expected we decided the full grocery run needed to wait until Saturday.

Excited for their room in the condo.
It had such fun atmosphere and a beachy flip flop theme.

We enjoyed Saturday morning...

A sweet family that was leaving gave us their floaties.

Lunch Out

I sat down at the beach for the second round (the kids now armed with new boogie boards) as Brad graciously offered to go get the groceries, I checked a message from a friend who asked if I had seen that there was a hurricane coming our way...Brad and I then proceeded to hem and haw over what the right thing to do was. He wisely decided not to get the week of groceries and headed back to try and talk it out while letting the kids play.

These guys love their boogie boards!

Love to fit in chess whenever they can.

Sunday morning we came to the decision that we needed to leave and would not drive all the way home in hopes the hurricane wouldn't hit our area hard and we could go back Wednesday at the latest and get at least two more nights at our condo. We needed to leave by around 4 pm before the rain started, but we loved getting to do two of the fun items on our list so we still felt like it was a vacation! The waves weren't really safe so this morning started at the beach but we didn't feel comfortable with boogie boards because of the strong riptide.

Even the coffee mugs were cute!

You all know how much the Stahl family loves a game up putt putt!

Brad and I refer to this as "The Worlds Most Expensive Ice Cream" but it sure is cute isn't it!?

Yes, that is an entire slice of cheesecake on top of the jar.
They were so yummy and fun!
(If/when you can get over the sticker shock. ;) )

Kinda hard to see
but we were driving towards blue skies.
We headed about 3-4 hours inland where we were disappointed with our hotel pool but tried to stay positive. Lorelei did a bit of virtual school so that she wouldn't have as much school work to make up when we returned. We used those coffee filters a lot more than you would think too. ;) I was very thankful we had packed peanut butter and bread!

Late arrival pb sandwiches.

Coping while Dad works and big sis does school via Zoom.
Music and a book.

Game time after school.

When it became clear Hurricane Sally was going to hit right where our condo was, we went ahead and spent Tuesday driving home. We were so disappointed to miss out on the relaxing time we were so looking forward to and felt was much-needed.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Makin Turns Ten

Because of our school flexibility, Makin had mostly an "as you wish" birthday this year.

Breakfast was pancakes with cool whip and shaved butterscotch chips.


Our special decorations and balloon this year.
(This is a tradition, but they never know what colors etc.)

After dropping off Lorelei we tried out a nearby park that had new equipment.

He was excited to build and try out some of his new robots from a kit.

Cheddar Bay Biscuits were a must this year.

The kids are taking group golf once a week and it was on Makin's birthday. These two asked to hit range balls after. How can you say no to that on his birthday?

Late-night dirt dessert with "10" sparkler candles. :)

Our traditional birthday pic. :)

Monday, September 7, 2020

Watermelon Day

 Better Late Than Never!