We have been working towards the next big surgery (bone graft) for Makin's palate and it has become quite the journey.
First, the orthodontic work took twice as long as expected. Then, we got the go-ahead and booked the surgery for November. Two weeks before we were expected to fly out, we found out Makin's surgeon had to have surgery, so we needed to decide if we were comfortable using the other surgeon on their team. When we decided we were OK with that plan, that surgeon then looked at the x-rays and photos and said he did not believe Makin should have the bone graft surgery and needed more work done before he would be ready! It was decided we would still come and have some teeth pulled (not a minor could-be-done outside a hospital type of teeth-pulling) and we were told to verify that our insurance would cover that type of tooth removal in an OR because some companies might deny that type of coverage...only to find out when we called that our particular brand of insurance was actually out of network (for those who are curious 30 minutes in the operating room ranges between $7-10,000) - this meant NO November surgery. As much as we were dreading the surgery, this was actually disappointing news as we had non-refundable airline tickets and a condo booked for our stay, SO we decided to take an unexpected little work/vacation instead.
We are now looking into plans for next year and Makin will have to undergo several surgeries and more orthodontic work leading up to the bone graft.
We did our best to juggle school work (despite homeschooling flexibility, we don't exactly have weeks to spare if we are possibly fitting in surgeries next semester!) and work for Brad but made sure to fit in fun memory-making moments as well! The weather was much cooler than I would have preferred but we had a few beautiful days and because of our long stay we were able to choose to go on our outings on the nicer weather days.
Our condo was on the beach (because at least there is beauty to see even if you are recovering from surgery) and we absolutely loved being able to see sunrises each morning as well as dolphins almost every single day!
We had to get our toes in the sand as soon as we arrived! |
Watching for dolphins. |
This guy loves a puzzle. |
Kept our pizza and movie night tradition. |
Sunrises and sunsets on the beach are my favorite. |
Working hard! |
Audiobook and beach view. |
Working on Animal Behavior. |
Water painting. :) |
We had our morning coffee on the balcony as much as possible! |
Lots of games of speed with this guy! |
It was quite cold but the kids just couldn't resist a few polar plunge moments!
We kept our appointment with Dr. Santee and before the appointment that afternoon we fit in lunch dates - Brad took Lorelei to a Thai restaurant he used to enjoy when working in Norfolk and Makin and I found a choose-your-toppings waffle place.
Spent some time watching the boats. |
How will we be content with schooling anywhere else now? ;)
The kids and I went to Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge, which was just a couple minutes from our condo and loved the untouched beach and particularly loved getting to see a crab up close.
Kids: It's a shark egg! Me: How do you know that? Kids: Wild Kratts! (Thank you Wild Kratts for the awesome lessons in nature that they remember many years later!) |
We saw quite a few sea creatures washed up on the shore. |
One of the many crab holes we saw - sand thrown out and prints scurrying in or out. |
Colonial Williamsburg
Although Brad and I had been here several times, I'm fairly certain this was the first time we actually got tickets so that we could see inside all of the shops. We were SO glad we did as it absolutely made it a great experience. I felt so blessed when I went in to purchase the tickets and when I told them I homeschooled they gave us a homeschool discount - making it half the price we had planned! Woo hoo!
Bookbinding. |
Leather breaches maker. |
Printer. |
Makin did a printing press project back in second grade and learned about/made these ink dabbers, so was fun to see a real example of them! |
The blacksmith was a definite favorite, especially for the boys. |
They decided to watch through a window for a better view and had their own private conversations with one of the blacksmiths. |
Wigmaker. |
Brick-making demonstration. |
Cabinet/harpsichord maker. |
Musket demonstration. |
Cannon demonstration. |
Music - Fife and Drum (one of my favorites!) |
A Bit More Beach Time
We didn't fit in as much beach time as we would have liked because of the cooler temps, but we did fit in a bit!
Makin put together a scavenger hunt for a surprise for Lorelei - letting her know we were going to get to see the wild horses in North Carolina! |
It was only about 71 degrees outside but sheer determination meant they did some boogie boarding in the frigid ocean temps! |
Christmas Town Busch Gardens
Those of you who have been reading this blog for 15 years might remember that we took the kids to Christmas Town back when they were tiny (Lorelei, Brad and I went on the first year they opened!) and we always thought it would be fun to take them back when they were older - so we did! :)
So many rides they were excited to try! |
The atmosphere is what makes this experience. |
After so many of my dad's stories of the real autobahn, I loved that this is what they named the bumper cars in the Germany section of Busch Gardens. |
One of our favorites was the show during supper! |
A chance to pet a Clydesdale! |
The Peppermint Twist (aka tea cups!) |
Carolers |
Outer Banks
We just couldn't resist heading back down to the Outer Banks when we discovered there were wild horse tours just over 2 hours away...and in case any of you didn't know, we have a girl WILD about wild horses! Lorelei and I went on a Wild Horse Tour while the boys fit in 9 holes (check North Carolina off the state golf list!).
We were surprised they were living among houses. We couldn't believe the dunes we drove over and that this community just has to take these wild horses as part of the gig of living in this area. |
Our ride! I cannot imagine taking on those sand dunes in anything else! |
Our Last Day
We flew home on Thanksgiving Day and just had to get a quick family beach picture before heading to the airport.