Celebrating Half Birthdays
Always love reasons to celebrate! Here's to 15.5 and 13.5!
Pizza Sundays
Pizza + Movie Night = Restful Sundays!
RC boat fun! |
Lake Time
We had a gorgeous day and open afternoon so we headed to the lake for a bit! We had our first sand creation competition and plan to add that to our future lake visits! Meet Barbara Manatee and Robert the Crab!
Battlefield Nerf
Our homeschool group went to an awesome Battlefield Nerf Arena! Two hours of Nerf for Makin! So much fun!
Planting Season
We look forward to this each spring! We did a combo of seedlings and seeds and are looking forward to some gardening adventures. Love the extra beauty in the backyard to enjoy.
Nana's Spring Visit
We were excited for Nana to come over spring break again this year!
Tulip Picking |
Tornado Warning |
Movie: Arthur The King |
Game Time! |
Chocolate Time! |
St. Patrick's Day - celebrating with Shamrock Shakes! |
And Irish Stew! |
Day-long Date
Nana offered to keep the kiddos so we enjoyed a day-long date! We enjoyed breakfast and coffee at one of our favorite coffee shops, fleamarket shopping and a movie.
Lorelei's fish passed away a month or two ago and she decided she would rather have a parakeet for a pet so that Frosty could have a friend...enter Mango! Lorelei said it is best to first quarantine Mango and then gradually introduce the birds, but eventually, we will have them both in the larger cage.
Celtic Festival
We ventured about an hour north up to a Celtic Festival. We enjoyed the gorgeous day and all things Celtic - music, an Irish Wolfhound parade, watching The Highland Games (people competing in contests of strength throwing many unique items), Celtic dance competitions, a sheep herding demonstration, and a bagpipes competition.
Children's Entrepreneurial Market
The kids decided to purchase a booth at a local Children's Entrepreneurial Market and worked hard to prepare for the event. While they didn't make as much as they did back in December, I think they both enjoyed it overall. Now they have items already ready to go for their next sale. :)
Nana heard about a game on the radio and thought we would enjoy it. She left the chic and a reward so that we could play it. Brad or I would hide the chic somewhere around the house for a couple of weeks and we kept a tally of who found it. Whoever had the most tallies by Easter won the prize. Added Bonus: improved looking skills! :) Lorelei won! (And now we have another tradition to continue bc they really enjoyed it!)
Lorelei enjoyed dog-sitting again this month.
She did more postitive reinforcement training, including working on their table manners. ;) |