Friday, May 31, 2024

May Memories

1000 Hours Outside

Yes, I know, sounds a bit ambitious, but I think it's worth a shot! The kids are tracking their own hours on their printable trackers - the tracking pages were made especially for this - they color them in for each hour. Excited to see how far we get by next May!


This girl has enjoyed horseback twice a month throughout the school year. She has loved having a friend from our homeschool group taking lessons with her.

Recycling Field Trip - I've had this one on the wish list for a while...wondering how they separate all of those mixed recyclables?! Another homeschool mom plans loads of field trips, so we signed up and enjoyed learning how sorting those recycled items works!


Makin had a great time playing Topgolf with fellow middle schoolers from our homeschool group.

Tour Of Capernum Studios

We had such a fun time touring the studio where the first two seasons of The Chosen were filmed!

(Brad played Super-Dad and let Lorelei off of pet sitting duty for the day - he stayed home with the dogs...this tour only had limited dates so we decided it would be better to go ahead and tour despite the dog-sitting conflict. Hoping we can go another time and he can join us.)

Pic on left: Props!


LED Wall  - we got to see how they them film scenes with this

Green Screen Room

The Chosen Set!

If you can, add something sweet to any adventure!

Mother's Day

It was another rainy day forecast for Mother's Day this year, so I chose the relaxing day route...yummy breakfast (cream cheese Danish, strawberries, and coffee for me) complete with cards, church, lunch out, reading, Cranium and movie night. Quality time and not having to cook - a win for sure! :) Also note, the year both kids are my height/taller than me now.

Ant Farm

We enjoyed watching these hard-working insects! (They didn't live as long as we would have liked, but it was fun while it lasted!)

Nature Walks

We tried a new trail with the Phungs!

Can you tell we've had a lot of rain? Flooded trail didn't deter us... :)

We also tried a new-to-us nature trail someone recommended. It was VERY muddy so not the best experience but still enjoyed our time outside. 

Commercial Shoot

Lorelei and I headed to the local indoor pool for a chance to be in their latest commercial. We will see who makes the cut! (I do not plan to be in the commercial, I'm only the taxi driver.) Lorelei enjoyed hanging out with the Benson girls!


Lorelei enjoyed one more chance to get together with her animal behavior friends as the teacher threw a pizza party where they could play the training game they learned during the class. (We decided the party needed brownies!)

Watermelon Season

This guy is thrilled watermelon season has begun!

Date Night

Cornhole and air hockey for the win! :)

Book Club

I'm still loving book club with a friend and we try to meet once a week. This particular week it was her birthday and we headed to a nearby coffee place and got treated to extra special coffees!

Lego Club and Smoothies

The DefendER - it locates threats and then shoots them

We had to try the Dude Perfect smoothie while it was still available! Yum! (We brought two for the family to share, but no pic. :))

Ladies Night Out

Loved celebrating a friend's birthday with a night out!

Friday, May 24, 2024

Last Day of 7th and 9th

Here we are ending another year!

The kids had different last days this year because of some flexibility options we took for Lorelei's classes, but that can be one of the benefits of homeschooling! 

Makin's favorite subject this year was science.

His favorite parts of school were field trips, science experiments, pajamas, P.E., and his awesome teacher.

Lorelei's favorite subjects this year were English I, biology, art, and animal behavior.

Her favorite parts of school were learning, HOPE Prep lunch hour, staying in her pajamas, and time with animals.

Last Day Treat!

Thursday, May 23, 2024

School Happenings - Second Semester


Bible Winter Artwork

Sam Houston Project

Grading During P.E.
(But most sessions I get some great mom time!
This is a drop-off option class, but we decide to stay.)


Getting even more independent and using his desk in his room.
Some days he would love to surprise me with how much he got done before I checked in.

English I Project - The Hiding Place Timeline

Twins Day at HOPE
(Their entire lunch group decided to match together.)

Art Sketches

Prepping for worm dissection.

Worm Dissection - I lucked out this pic was uploaded for the yearbook. :)

Prepping for frog dissection.

Lorelei has several books she is reading as part of her English curriculum. Pollyanna was one of the books on the booklist and she put together a book report and presented it to us. Of course, we had to watch the movie as well! Was so great to see it again after so many years!

History Report on The Dust Bowl

Working on reading from a coffee shop while Lorelei volunteered at ManeGait...he had a few books he didn't enjoy this year (including the one pictured) but also some winners. :)

History Slide Show

Lorelei was elated to see a newborn foal approximately 12 hours old! How sweet of him to decide to make his arrival wee morning hours the day of her animal behavior class! :)

P. E. class was definitely a highlight of each week for Makin!

Final Project for Art History

How this girl does math...SO thankful for Mrs. Buman!!!

Animal Behavior - what a delight this class was for our girl!!!
The final class they showed us what they had trained the mini mules.

Final Science project - Rube Goldberg Machine

Final History Project - brochure for a city in Texas.

Final Reading Project

Getting organized to wrap up her FRESHMAN YEAR.
(What in the world?!)

Kind of a strange picture to end this post but I wanted to capture this aspect of her English I.
She listens to an audio recording and then writes out those dictated sentences. Then I grade for spelling and punctuation. She does this three times throughout her packet and then gets a final grade at the end. Loved this way to continue spelling in the upper grades!