Monday, August 5, 2024

Kicking Off The School Year - 10th and 8th

We are excited to spend another year learning together! We are absolutely loving our homeschool gig and so thankful to have this time together. This year we embark on another year of high school and our last year of middle school!

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Summer Fun - Podcast Moment, Pool Time, Peach Picking, Surprise Day, Super Mario Bros, Game Group Date Night, Yard Work, Drone Delivery

Podcast Moment

Makin submitted a question to a podcast he enjoys listening to and was thrilled when they discussed his question/idea on an episode!

Pool Time

Still fit in pool time whenever we can! :)

Peach Picking

I found about another local place to pick peaches. Unfortunately we were a bit late and there were very few peaches to pick. We did enjoy some amazing peach crisp for a treat so that made it worth it right?!

Surprise Day

Lorelei requested a Surprise Day  - it was a fun girls day!

We enjoyed drinks at London Baker, Half Price Books, lunch at Chipotle, an afternoon at Hawaiian Waters and a movie at home.

Super Mario Bros

Makin was excited to bring this "vintage" (thank-you-very-much) game back from Nebraska. He was not thrilled that his dad was more skilled at it than he...some things you just don't forget. ;)

Game Group Date Night

While the kiddos were in Oklahoma Brad and I decided we would enjoy throwing a Game Group Date Night. Loved lots of laughs with friends. 

We enjoyed a weekend of just the two of us with some chill time, this game night, as well as getting some work done!

Yard Work

When we first moved to Texas the yardwork was included with rent...when that ended we had no mower and decided to just pay to have it done...this many years later and examining how to cut costs resulted in...the kids are getting paid to do yardwork once a week! They are both excited for a chance to earn some extra money and its going to save us on the budget so its a win-win.

Drone Delivery

This summer we worked on a sibling respect challenge and the kids got the opportunity to earn a treat each week, depending on how they treated each other throughout the week. This often resulted in shakes delivered by drone...because why not? ;)