Monday, September 9, 2024

Makin Turns Fourteen

We celebrated Makin's birthday just the way he wanted. At this stage he loves all things video game, and since he doesn't typically get much media time, that was his main birthday request.

Assembling his new chair.

Donut Breakfast

Lots of VR time.

Better-Than-Anything Cake

AFV + Pizza

His Fav Bday Candles :)

Monday (the day after his bday) he celebrated with a couple of friends at Main Event.

We had so much fun celebrating this guy!

Happy Birthday Makin!

Monday, September 2, 2024

Lorelei Turns Sixteen

Although we celebrated Lorelei big with her trip for her gift and party, she also had a wonderful day of favorite things to celebrate her on her birthday!

Her traditional birthday French toast. :)

A new coffee shop with Harry Potter vibes.

Flea Market Shopping

Her finds.

Lunch at Blue Goose

Spaghetti and a movie.

We had so much fun celebrating our girl!

Happy Birthday Lorelei!