The boys fit in golf on a beautiful Sunday afternoon.
Lake Time
Makin and I got some mother/son time together at the lake on a gorgeous day. I'm always so thankful for these little breaks from the winter blahs. Give me all the sunshine and sand!
Training/Turtle Time
Lorelei has been helping some friends train their puppy and having a blast doing it. As we were about to head out they discovered a turtle in their yard, so we all headed out to take it back to the lake. The little guy seemed thrilled to be back in his natural habitat!
We fit in some artwork one Friday afternoon. Love to see what they will choose!
Firepit Friday
Nothing like enjoying some Italian food around the firepit on a Friday night.
Date Night
February date night was a group date with two other couples. We went to Blue Goose for supper and then headed over to an improv comedy show. So great to laugh. :) Sadly a car pic after all the fun had to suffice!
Scheels Scavenger Hunt
A fun high school event with our homeschool group. The kiddos had a list for their scavenger hunt and Lorelei's group won!
Valentine's Day
We enjoyed a breakfast of waffles (with cool whip and sprinkles) and bacon. The kiddos got their traditional gift of chocolate as well.
After lunch we headed over to Wayback Barn for their homeschool day.
(We had another exciting activity this day that will be covered in another post.)
The kids and I had pesto alfredo mac while Brad had steaks in order to stay on his food plan.
We followed up with our traditional chocolate covered strawberries for dessert!
I would apologize that most of this post involves food but... yum = loved around here!
Makin went to another Children's Entrepreneurial Market. He didn't have many sales, so hoping we can find some more opportunities and find sales with smaller fees. Around here that is hard to find!
3D Printer Fun
Makin set up a work bench (temporary insanity for me) to get his laser engraving projects done for the sale. Previously he has had some creative set ups in order to get the camera right. Using his 3D printer, he worked hard to make a stand to hold his camera!
Makin worked on Lego Brick Sorter for this month's project. Both of us forgot to make sure he got started on it with enough time, so it ended up being very down to the wire to finish it and it was only half working when he brought it to Lego Club. This project also ended up involving him printing pieces he needed for the sorter (pieces included in the plan he found online that he did not have) using his 3D printer.
Breakfast For Lunch Out
It has been extra complicated to fit in my monthly lunches with Amanda but we made it happen this month and tried out a new breakfast place for lunch. Delicious food and great conversations.