Christmas Eve Day

What a busy day we had! We enjoyed having lots of fun on Christmas Eve. It was Lorelei's first full day with her grandparents, and she loves every minute of having four adults attention and energy! We decided to let Lorelei open some of her presents after nap that day.
Lets just go from top left down for the pictures...the first one is Lorelei decked out in her Christmas outfit from Nana, checking out the gingerbread angels on the sweater. Then we have her enjoying her movie from Grandma and Grandpa, Santa Buddies! She loves it of course, and was able to sit and watch most of it. A perfect movie for her! Then we have playing with Grandma (tickle games are a fav of course) and then putting her new ornament on the tree from Nana and Pappa. She loved being able to put it on the tree herself. Then we have Lorelei enjoying her Alphabet Train from Aunt Sarah, Hannah and Karter - big hit! Getting the presents out from under the tree...before we were supposed to open them, guess she knew it must be the day! Then sitting on her shopping cart. That's right, she does not want to push it to grocery shop, she just wants to ride it like she does a normal shopping cart! We'll practice more shopping later I guess. :) Then having fun with Grandma and sitting with her pile of presents she got to open that afternoon...probably about 1/3 of her presents! She enjoyed unwrapping but got easily frustrated if the paper didn't tear quickly for her. She also enjoyed playing with each toy and didn't quite realize that she should keep opening. We went at a pretty slow pace but got that bunch opened before it was time to get ready for church. :)
Christmas Eve

We had Jeanette's wonderful chicken noodle soup for supper while watching Santa Buddies. :) So glad she was able to cook it for us! Then Melissa, Chase and Kira came over to play a bit before joining us for the Christmas Eve service that evening. Unfortunately they didn't get to play very long with all the new toys, but I guess at least now they will be excited to come visit next time. :) Then we all headed out to the candlelight service. Lorelei actually made it through without having to leave and naturally the Bonfiglio kids did wonderfully! :) And as mentioned before, got to enjoy "Silent Night" by candle light. Then put Lorelei to bed when we got home (after another quick photo shoot) and then grown ups opened gifts and then made sure to get to bed before Santa came!

Wow what a difference a year makes...last Christmas Eve...

Christmas Day

Lorelei was excited to see her present from Santa first thing when she woke up! She seems to enjoy the slide so far. She also LOVED all of her other presents. I am very thankful Christmas is right before the cold hits in January and February so now we have so many awesome things to play with while we are stuck inside. :)

Then we have the beauty all dressed up for church. This was not a good morning church wise...possibly to do with the smarty's and cookie she had before 10 AM but oh well! She looked very beautiful and even wore her new necklaces from Santa to church. :)
After a great lunch and nap we had a fun afternoon of just playing around. In the picture she is enjoying her new chair, holding Elmo and watching her new Sesame Street DVD. :)

As you can see in the video, Grandpa is lots of fun!
We had a wonderful Christmas and hope all of you did too!