The first picture is Kira and Lorelei standing fascinated by one of the workshops...there were actually little squirrels running around under the workshop and I think that caught there attention more than anything.

Mike practicing having two girls! :) Lorelei LOVES Mike. :) Then we have the daughter switch between Sara and I, which we do often, although both girls get a bit unhappy when their mom is the one occupied.
There was a big light display for everyone to walk through and enjoy which also included a maze that the girls went through. I have to tell Melissa's hilarious story because she does not have her own blog to write it in! So I must first mention that Kira is talking like crazy these days but we just love hearing her tiny little voice say all these new words...well we were looking at the ducks in a pen when all of a sudden Melissa feels a little thud on her shoulder...then Kira says "poop" and sure enough, a bird from high above our heads had pooped on Melissa! It was hilarious...while disgusting at the same time. :) Don't worry we got it wiped off very quickly and also moved out from under those trees!
We quickly went across the farm to complete our night and see the live nativity...

And this is why we normally don't let Brad take the pictures...poor donkey...guess its trying to live up to its part of the song What Child Is This - "...where ox and ass are feeding?" Sorry I just couldn't help myself. :) Hope you found it amusing as well.

We enjoyed seeing the animals but quickly made it home as it was way past bedtime. Was a great night and yet another fun Christmas activity.
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