Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Beating The Winter Blahs

Ugh. As most of you know winter is not our thing...and by the time we get to February, I'm ready for a trip to the Bahamas. I keep telling myself we can last only a few more weeks and then spring should hit...I hope Mother Nature agrees.

Just a few random pictures throughout our days lately...

This one is bubbles in the house. Thankfully spring has found Target already, so we are taking advantage. Great invention, a fan to blow bubbles for you...now we just need to buy some more bubble juice because we ran out after about a day. :)

Lorelei and Dad enjoying her new toy for Valentin's Day. I think Brad wants to play with it about as much as she does...we are already tempted to cut off the microphone because she is loud enough without it. ;)

Brad and Lorelei being goofy with self portraits while coloring. I think I was getting ready for church. :) What a great Dad she has! :)

We had the TV turned off and Brad and I were working on getting supper ready. Lorelei climbed on the recliner (she climbs on EVERYTHING now), got the remote, turned on the TV and sat there watching the Olympics.

A couple fun things today...Lorelei has started getting the giggles over goofy things which is a lot of fun. Today was with her "Pretty Pink Purse" book because she points to the same two fruits for me to name what they are...of course I use my exasperated voice after a bit and she thinks its hilarious. Then I also taught her butterfly kisses...big hit with giggles as well. :)

I also keep forgetting to mention something nice a lady said at the grocery store when she heard Lorelei's name. "Lorelei. I love that name. It sounds like you're singing every time you say it." ...well I'm sure there are plenty of times I say it that it doesn't sound like singing, but it was such a nice compliment nonetheless. :)

1 comment:

  1. Love the keyboard! We'll have to bring Lily's over and they can do a duet!! :)
