Since the timing is off with Heather's days off and when the rest of the family can visit, she came the weekend before Christmas to visit us and celebrate early.

Playing Hide-And-Seek as soon as Heather got here.
Opening presents Friday night. Lorelei was SO excited to have presents under the tree. And they loved the special bells Aunt Heather used in wrapping...and loved the presents too. Thanks again Heather! (And the one of Brad with Makin's tool bench...long story but we thought we had to take the gears back out to turn easier so he finally got it...and they still turn hard. So not sure what is up with that, but boy who knew you would need a your own tool bench to put together a kids tool bench!?)

Saturday morning we headed over to The Gaylord Texan Hotel. This is what everyone local said was a "must see" at Christmas. Plus, its free to walk around. Just not to park. :) There is also a big show they have each year, but we didn't go to that this time. Maybe when the kids are older! Brad came down with a stomach bug (or just drank too much Mt. Dew at his work party Friday night) so was not able to come with us. He was very disappointed this was his first time not seeing the kids with Santa...but as I reminded him, "Its not like they are meeting Jesus!" :) Next year!
We enjoyed seeing the sights including a stop for coffee and a giant cookie to share, a pond with fish, trains (Makin was fascinated), a "life-size gingerbread house" (but its really just a building they put gingerbread onto and you can't walk into it) and a gingerbread village along with the train.
The Sights (excited to see it at night sometime when our kids are old enough not to have melt downs!)

Coffee and A Really Big Cookie
In Line To See Santa
And of course, Lorelei's first priority was finding Santa! And how did Makin do with Santa? Well, he held it together. After being plopped onto his lap he looked like he was about to burst into tears, and then was okay when he saw I wasn't going anywhere and leaving him with this bearded guy. :) He was quite relieved when I took him back down. Lorelei did her thing, including showing him her picture and explaining that both she and Makin wanted big bouncy balls. (This is our compromise from the pogo stick...since they are really for ages 5+)
The Gingerbread House

Reindeer Bushes and Toy Soldier (really a guy on stilts....)

The Train With Gingerbread Village

And one of the best parts of the visit? We got to see my Aunt Marilyn from Florida (my mom's brother's wife) since she was visiting my cousin (her daughter) in Kellar. I hadn't seen her in about four years so it was great to catch up! The kids had a great time with an awesome backyard and lots of fun toys to play with.

The four Great-Grandkids together. They all were excited to see cousins!

Hoping for another visit soon with Uncle Brian and Mom too!
Do you think Lorelei likes her skates? She only asks to put them on as soon as she wakes up in the morning. ;)

And on our list for Sunday...sugar cookies! So much easier when someone else was rolling and cutting while I helped Lorelei!

Thanks for visiting!