NO CAR - Brad's car's transmission died Monday night and we have decided to just sell it instead of fixing it. We are going to be a one-car family for a bit, just to give ourselves a little time to let things settle after all the craziness we have coming up. It will not be too tough on us when you read #3 change. :)
NO DOG FOR CHRISTMAS - I know. I'm not sure if we can believe it either, but we decided it was best to wait on the dog. And how is our sweet girl taking it? Amazingly well so far...we had a very good talk and she is okay with the plan of waiting until she is older (maybe it will be when she is 22 and has her own place??? or maybe in 6 months, at this point I don't know) and also planning to try and visit some other dogs hopefully about once a week. Not sure how it will work out, but we are going try and get her some extra pet time each week to make up for it. I know its not the same, but after much thought, we need a little more time to decide about getting a family dog.
NO LONG COMMUTE - Yep. Brad started his new job Thursday at 1 pm. So far he absolutely loves it, but I'll let you know what I think after a couple of weeks. :) He says he is 1,000% sure he made the right choice, and so far is much happier. It is hourly, so at least he gets paid if he works overtime! And the best thing??? It is a 10 minute commute. That is practically impossible. Even Walmart is more than 10 minutes away! Its pretty much AMAZING that he found something in just the right spot. Hopefully more good updates to come!
Miss Lorelei and her hot chocolate (more like barely-warm chocolate milk). :) She came in from the sandbox saying, "It cold outside. I need hot chocolate."

First, so happy for you guys with the new job! It sounds like a perfect fit. And second, Lor ALWAYS cracks me up. I love her "I can't find my cookie" comment!