Lorelei has been a chatterbox for quite some time now, but it just keeps getting better and better (well, most of the time its a good thing, sometimes it comes with a bit of an attitude as well). She has always brightened up our days with smiles and things she does...well now she brightens them even more with things she says.
Questions, Questions, Questions...
Lorelei asks questions all day long. The absolute most popular right now is "What/where dat noise?"She also commonly asks
"Where" to anything and everything...for instance..."Go to time out." "Where?"
"Where did she go?" (when hiding)
"(Makin, etc) Where are you?"
"What dat called?" (anything she does not know the name of she asks)
"Like that?" (when doing something and wants to do it the right way)
P Jelly - Peanut butter and Jelly
Day Goo - Thank you
Tiddy - Spaghetti
Honestly I feel like she comes up with a new one every day that I think is hilarious. :)
What we hear around the house:
Me do dat!
Me too help!
Me help!
Come back right now! (Ugh, she even said it to a dog on our walk the other day)
Hold on tight!
The other day after she continued to do something I asked her not to do I said, "Aren't little girls supposed to listen to their mommies?" She answered matter-of-factly, "no."
We learned she recognizes the Starbucks logo. As we were driving past one on the hwy to the zoo she shouted out, "Oh! Tarbucks!"
Sunday surprises:
When I told her we were going to church this morning she said "No like church." (big surprise, she has to be quiet there...)
When we got there and sat down she said "Where Jesus?" :)
As we were saying our prayers tonight I was having her repeat after me and I started saying "Thank you for..." and she interjected, "God, Kira, Chase, Emma, Lily, Aunt Heather and Dad." (Sorry to the rest of you but Makin and I didn't make the list either ;) , and no she didn't name them all in a row quickly, I asked if there was anyone else she wanted to be thankful for each time.)

Other non talking related facts about Lorelei:
Everybody is a boy...usually the girls take it pretty well or are just oblivious.
She asks for Mac and Cheese for breakfast almost every morning.
She is fascinated with stacking things. About a month ago at Old Navy as I was checking out she was stacking piggy banks. The other day I was changing Makin's diaper and was worried with how quiet she was. Then I saw the pantry.
I'm pretty sure I thought of about 10 more cute things to add to this just today, so it could be a never-ending post. We love our little chatterbox!