Weight - 14.6 (75 %)
Height - 25 3/4 (50%)
Head Size - 16 3/4 (50%)
I cannot believe our baby is already 4 months old! This is when it seems like you will just start growing up so fast and I'm trying to cherish every "baby moment" I can while I can still cuddle you to pieces.
At Four Months:
-You still have not rolled over, but seem to get your body going in that general direction sometimes. :)
-Now sleeping on your back in the bassinet in our room but pretty much at least one dryer nap per day.
-Stay awake for about 2 hour stretches on a normal day, but if there is a lot going on you can last much longer.
-Still waking up about once each night, depending on whether we top you off a little bit late you can make it till almost 6 sometimes.
-Seem to have trouble waking up a bit too early (4:30 AM and beyond) and so as long as I pick you up and lay you right next to me in bed you go right back to sleep. This drives me insane as I have NEVER been big on a baby in the bed and always had nightmares about it when Lorelei was a baby, but I need my sleep and you apparently need your cuddle time, so it works for now. :)
-Eating 6-8 oz every 3-4 hours.
-Loves: us clapping your hands and singing, especially ABC's and Row Your Boat; bath-time; standing up; sitting up; your family! Your face just lights up when you smile when you see us, nothing like it :)
-You are still pretty laid back and love to cuddle. Hope to keep it that way little boy!
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