Saturday, April 23, 2011

Saturday Family Fun

After such a busy Friday we were glad to have a low key day at home. Brad and AJ went golfing in the morning but got in some play time with the kids too. AJ had not seen us since Lorelei was Makin's age!

Fun With Uncle AJ

Lorelei was completely in awe of him (perhaps something to do with he is probably one of the tallest people she has ever seen!) and he has now trumped us all in his amazingly fun piggy back rides. Thanks for playing Uncle AJ!

They Love Nana!

They had a ton of fun out on the swings almost every day. Thankfully Makin will ignore the pink for now. ;)

Dying Easter Eggs! Lorelei had a great time and loved preparing the dye, hearing the fizz and adding water to each one. She did a great job with the eggs as long as you had the spoon ready to catch where she was going to plop it. :)

Fun With Aunt Heather! The girls got some side walk chalk drawing time together!

Lorelei in rollers Saturday night...I used to use these! Unfortunately she woke up at 2 something AM crying and wanted them out...which also woke up her brother. At least we tried!


  1. Looks like you all had soo much fun! And, just love Lor's hair!!!

  2. What a wonderful family weekend! So happy for you guys that you're so much closer.
