After plotting for over a year, we pulled off a huge surprise for the Stahl family. Brad's parents are celebrating 40 years of marriage June 20th of this year, and we thought that deserved a special event. SO we gave them their favorite thing (heh, not) lots of surprises!
Here is how it all played out...
Sarah (who I now deem "The Queen Of Everything" with how she kept the entire small town in on this secret with no one spilling the beans and managed to wonderfully decorate the legion hall with both parents possibly seeing her every time she went into town!) told them they needed to show up for pictures with her family that afternoon.

Side note: We had been concerned that the Stahls were catching on because Sarah thought they were just a little too agreeable on everything she was telling them...but earlier that week we became painfully aware they had NO CLUE we were coming when they decided to go ahead and tear down the fireplace in their living room. :) We didn't get a family picture in front of it as I had planned but we had to laugh at the nice "hole in the wall" during our visit. Can't wait to see the new sun room when its all done!
Well, little did they know that the WHOLE family was going to show up. :) Lorelei did a great job on the part we had been practicing for months yelling, "Surprise!" and giving them big hugs.

Then we took family pictures.

And then we gave them their final envelope of surprises which Sarah worded to make it sound like we were all going out to eat...we then headed into Potter as if we were going to combine car loads when she eventually just parked at The Legion. (The SR Stahls were contemplating all the cars and wondering who was having a party until the point they saw her park and THEN decided they better drive around the block for Jeanette to compose herself.) Then they got to see the huge crowd of family and friends there to celebrate with them. :)

After a couple of speeches, the video and cake, everyone just enjoyed visiting. This included each and every sibling from both sides! Yep, even Auntie Di and Uncle Bob made the trip from Texas too! :) And of course many, many more friends and family as well. It was awesome.

All this planning and I took a whopping TWO pictures at the party. I know. This is what happens when you have kids I guess. Anyway, they show Lorelei's highlight of the party. The chocolate fountain. :) Brad and I were discussing what all she had eaten that afternoon/evening...and it went something like this, Me: "Well she had a Kit Kat bar before the party, then she had cake..."
Brad: "Then I got her a chocolate covered marshmallow and strawberry at the fountain..."
Me: "Wait a minute IIIII got her a chocolate covered marshmallow and strawberry at the fountain!" Brad: "Oh and I saw her walking around with some random chocolate covered apple someone gave her too."
Oh my that girl got her chocolate fix for sure. :)

The kids and I called it a night early but the rest got to party much later. Brad went back in (after helping me get the kids to sleep) to join his cousins and friends till I think 1:30 or so??? :)
Sunday we got together with the siblings from both sides and enjoyed some left overs and extra yummy sides Sarah made (including their home made mac and cheese which I am now determined to master with NO recipe!) and it was great catching up and having sooo many cousins for Lorelei to run around with.
Everyone at both parties was SO excited to see Mr. Makin. Each and every one of them had sent up many prayers during his surgery for all of us and I was so glad they finally got to meet our special little guy.
Looking forward to many more family gatherings...but maybe we'll let the SR Stahls do the next one. ;)
And of course much more to come on the week following... :) for another post!