Me: "Can Makin use it?" (some toy I think)
Lor: "Yeah...(hands toy) Slobber on this? (I nod) No!"
(she may like dirt, but she has major slobber issues)
L: "Whats that?"
M: "A Gas station"
L: "We go pee pee there?" :)
(At the park an older girl was climbing up the slide)
"Ah ah ah, we no climb up slides."
"No. Its to spicy." (Telling Makin why he can't have some food she is eating, which was totally not spicy.)
In the car we occasionally hear her comment looking out the window: "Wow. Fancy car."
M: "Do you want a club cracker?"
L: "No reger (regular) cracker."
She walked around measuring things with a ruler and each time would exclaim an item was: "Two yickers." :) No idea how long a yicker is but it sounds like a fun way to measure!
(As she waves her hand in a circular motion over a hat...) "Aaaaaaaahhhhh Dayah! (abracadabra)
She is big into playing doctor and says in a sing-song voice like Daisy on Dr. Daisy, "Whaaaat's the matter?"
Every time she doesn't want food she says, "I can't like that."
She asks "What that noise?" or "Why do dat?" and then makes the sound that she is hearing so we will know what she is talking about.
Nicknames for Makin: May, Makey Makey Makey
Cute words: Snubeen (something), prak (park), poot (spoon), doppers (golfers), purtet (perfect)
And finally, Brad and I are a bit sad because the last couple of weeks she has started shortening Daddy and Mommy to Mom and Dad. :( Too soon little girl.
Another note but cannot be ignored...We have very rough days and right now no discipline seems to be working with her and her "attitude problem" as I guess we could call it. Please pray for patience for me. I'm going to find books with loads of wisdom to help me figure this out...if I ever find time to order the books and then read them before I need to get books about dealing with teens... ;) Taking recommendations if you have any!
Read a devotional today that is trying to motivate me to think, "Positive, Positive, Positive" so we'll see how that helps. :)
Ahhh, I can totally relate on the behavior front! Three has, ummm, been a little rough so far. Two books I really like are "Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline" by Becky Bailey and "Connection Parenting" by Pam Leo. And not on the discipline front, but on the overall parenting front, I just finished "Hold On To Your Children: Why Parents Need to Matter More than Peers" by Gordon Neufeld and Gabor Mate. I really liked that one too.