You are on the move. I guess I'll start with your version of crawling...I like to call it the "sit crawl" as you are pretty much sitting on one leg and then using your other leg and arms to get around. You now get wherever you want to go if I put you down. If Lorelei and I go to another room, we know you are soon going to follow. Although you are now mobile, you much prefer to walk. If I hold both hands, you are almost at a sprint. You often want to just hold one hand and walk very well that way too, and often want a toy of some sort in the other hand. (As predicted in your early baby days!) Day two of being 9 months, you are now walking with the walker/shopping cart. Oh my little boy. I have now decided I would just rather you go ahead and learn to walk, as that way you are not constantly wanting me to walk you around. :) We'll see when it happens, but I'm thinking it won't be long. And here I thought I'd have a full year until you walked with your easy-going personality! :)
You are thick. Everybody who meets you says so, and often hear some comment about "he's a lineman." We have to wait until June 22nd for your appointment, but may try to weigh you on our scale and update this. I'm sure you are at least 22 lbs and giving me quite the work out toting you around.
Still love food. Love it love it. :)
Love love love the water. You flap your arms and legs as if you are going to start swimming in the air when you see the tub filling with water and then splash like crazy. You had no hesitation walking out in the middle of the spray park, and you dragged me into the bathroom about 8 times in one afternoon ending up at the bath tub. :) We got the hint and made sure you had your bath that night.
Throw a ball. Best if it is the kind that fit in your hand.
Love to clap and very big on waving hi and bye now. You clap for yourself when you are proud of yourself. :) Still working on a few tricks with you like "sooo big" and you just get a huge smile on your face when we are teaching things to you.
Understanding more and more words each day. We love to ask if you want a bottle because your eyes light up and you get a huge smile on your face like "yeah yeah I do I do!" :)
The stranger anxiety is right on cue and you have gotten pretty clingy lately.
Side note: Surgery has been changed to July 20th. We called to reschedule when they were able to perform it at the children's hospital as we feel much better about that. Still dreading it but just cannot think about it.
The sit-crawl.
Mr. Makin, I can't believe how big and how grown-up you look! You are so handsome and I LOVE your smile.
ReplyDeleteThat's a smart way to crawl! Can't believe he's such a grown up boy.