You are walking like crazy. No help, and rarely even crawl anymore to do anything. You are great at getting up and down and everything. You are still in that clumsy stage where you think you can go faster than you really should, so getting lots of bangs and scrapes and I'm coming close to putting you in a bike helmet. :)
You do not like to be told no, or get things taken away and you are now very vocal about letting us know that this is making you unhappy.
You still have not gotten the hang of nodding yes, and when asked a question you shake your head "no" when you really mean yes. :) One of my favorites of these is when I was asking if you were ready for nap and you kept shaking your head no. :)
You like to make noise with mouth and patting your hand on and off of it.
Your hair is consistently gelled with banana or applesauce after breakfast. It is also now long enough we brush it each night and you can really see the curls at the end.
Your eyes have officially changed to brown.
You love to give us big slobbery kisses and melt my heart each time I ask for a hug and you just lean in to give me one.
You love to stand in front of us and then back up to sit in our lap.
You love rough housing but I'm constantly discouraging it because your sister is way too rough...ready for you to be big enough to handle it better without falling! You looooove to roll around on the bed (and think its hilarious to go to the edge and give me a heart attack) and dive into pillows where you know its safe to plop anywhere.
Love the magnets on the frig and love to dance to the songs. If I ask for "Annie Ooo" on the frig you will go try and play it for me.
You love to play chase with your sister and squeal happily when she almost runs into you and screams. You also already know how to switch directions and go the other way to catch her faster.
You still love musical instruments, especially drums and love walking around the house with drum sticks...very safe.
You especially love balls. You love to throw them (and you are throwing Little People too...working on that one) and you also like to walk behind them to make them go, but not quite kicking yet.
You still love to eat and eat a lot. You do not like to be fed at all. Right now you are really loving peas. (Gasp!) You also love to drink water from a sippy cup.
You seem to be understanding so much more and can follow one-step directions and identify objects and point to them in a book
We are pretty convinced your first word would be "mama" and you seem to say it to me more often now. Not totally sure though. :)
One cute story from Brad (technically the day after you turned 11 months) is when he was reading a book to you before bed. You squirmed off of his lap, walked over to your basket of books and picked out the one you wanted him to be reading instead and handed it to him. Love that you are able to communicate so much more! You still love your books!
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