It was one of those weeks...we did a lot of running around and a lot of socializing.
Monday Lorelei got the bug Makin had last week so we recouped. The first few days this week Makin also decided to get up at 5:30 AM instead of 6:30 AM, and one of those days Lorelei accidentally (but should not have been messing around) knocked a bowl full of milk and cereal all over the freshly mopped floor before guests were coming over...I'm not sure if that was the same morning my coffee spilled all over the microwave down to the top of the stove... and lets not forget to mention that I got pulled over (only happened one other time my whole life) and got caught still having my Virginia ANOTHER trip (we went before and they told us to get our plates really its their fault) to the DMV is in order ASAP...that week where you want to "move to Australia" because everything is wanting to make you pull your hair out. BUT I'm going to highlight the fun parts. :)

Ahhh the Stegers came for a visit Wednesday evening! This is always so enjoyable and we are again so happy they moved here to be with their kids! One of the highlights were the little light up worm things Jerry brought (Joyce said he is known for picking out weird random gifts that people love). I loved watching them read books to Lorelei before bed and the next morning we all devoured the banana bread Joyce baked for us. Both kids just loved having them for a visit and so did we!

Friday morning was family picture day. We had originally planned for Brad to take the day off so we could enjoy pictures and then spend the day at the Dallas Gardens...but he is in a major crunch to get a huge project done (gee doesn't that seem to happen a lot in his line of work!?) so he just went in a couple of hours late instead and we changed locations. This meant our photographer had to scramble to find a new location near his work, but she did a great job and we found a fun place with an old red barn and some wooded/grassy areas. I loved her and her style and cannot wait to see how they look. The kids cooperated "ok" but not as good as I would have liked...why is it your kids always rebel against smiles when you want them to smile the most!? :) Right now I am hoping we just make this our yearly family professional shoot so we get one each year with the new age. So, here is the start, with our one and three year pictures. :) Of course, will post the pictures as soon as I get them. Should be in two weeks! :)
And why are we at Starbucks? Well that is the special treat I kept promising Lorelei if she behaved...not sure she really deserved it but at least it could have been worse too. :) And believe me, after attempting to get them to smile for many pictures, I deserved my Starbucks treat! :) Oh and they are looking through the door at a lady who was cracking up making them smile. :)

A Friday night out!? Apparently those do exist! :) Sorry for the blurry pictures, but our camera does not seem to ever want to let us use the flash. This is the group of little girls we spent Friday night with at Babe's. This is a popular restaurant around here that we went to with the Furr family and several other families to celebrate Quintin's birthday. They play lots of music, the waitresses even sing some, and then they did a round of Hokey Pokey with the kids. Lorelei even sat by herself with the group of girls at the "girl table" and loved her mashed potatoes. :)
And oh how nice it is to get out and enjoy some time with other adults! :)
What a busy and fun week! (I'm focusing on the good stuff too -- the beginning of your week . . . eek! :-).) Can't wait to see the family pics and the kids' 1 year and 3 year pictures. And woohoo for Friday nights out!