This is our layover in Denver where we could plug in the DVD player for a few minutes to catch a sanity break...before trekking the opposite way across the airport after finding out our gate changed of course.
If this is how our ride to Virginia had been, I would have been walking home. Torture.
Okay now I will try and be least he slept for a part of the 4 hour flight so I got to have a warm cookie. :)
And as for getting home, Lorelei was so sweet. Ran to us and gave us hugs, was very worried when she saw Makin and worried he couldn't talk (as he was seemingly speechless to see his big sister again) and then rubbed his back as she was talking to him, before finding TWO dogs at the airport. Only my kids. :) So glad to be home. And no more airplanes for a while...
Glad the welcome home was good. :-)