I have been aiming to have at least one stay-home day a week. It just seems simpler to have one day with less driving and nice for Brad to have the car once. It is also really nice to have a little extra down time for the kids and myself. Not to mention its hard to get more than one or two loads of laundry done when we are out and about, so I can get a huge chunk done when we are home...anyway, lots of good reasons. The reason I don't do this more than once a week...quickly becomes apparent at around noon...and again at about four. :) Kids get cranky, I loose my patience, and wonder how on earth our mothers did this nearly every day of the week! With husbands who got home late from out in the field!? So, for now its one day a week, and I may try for two...but won't hold my breath. :) Especially since I am doing great with my resolve to limit the tv to 30 minutes AM and 30 minutes PM and plan to keep it that way...So, on to our day today. Pancakes for breakfast! Even one special "dessert" pancake too. (Chocolate and butterscotch chips!) And Grandpa, Lorelei thanks you for letting her in on the syrup secret. ;)

My other idea to get us through the day was a HUGE hit. I quickly made strips of ideas of things to do around the house. Very simple, but things Lorelei may not suggest on her own. It was unbelievable how much she loved this. Hope it works this well every time. Then the other highlight of my day was while I was getting yet another load of laundry changed, the kids got the flashlights and were having tons of fun in the dark laundry room making finger puppets with fingers and toes. :)
I also have to say these two are getting better each day about playing with each other. I am pushing them on these days to play by themselves or together so I can get some chores done around the house...was one of the best sounds hearing the two of them laughing and playing while I was making supper. :)
It's so amazing when the kids play together isn't it? Apart from being so fun to watch, it makes such a difference when it comes to getting things done around the house! I've been trying to do one day at home a week too since Chase has really gotten into staying in his pajamas all day (drives me crazy, but I'm working on my flexibility!). It's usually a day when Brian's home so that I can at least get out and go to yoga though. :-)