Saturday was sandwiched with fun/frustration/fun. :) As always, I had an ambitious list for us to get through, but it looked doable. We also had quite a bit of fun planned as well. One of the things I love about being a matter how crummy your day is with unfun adult stuff, usually the kids can brighten it, which was definitely the case today.
Fun: Pancakes and smoothies!
You may not know this about me, but I can eat my weight in pancakes. If we had a pancake eating contest, I would win. :) My kids have this same ability! :) We love em! We finally made a trip to Sams and got our favorite smoothie bag of fruit too! And even more exciting is that Makin actually drank his first one! (He usually doesn't like them.) Yay for another breakfast fruit option for Mr. Picky!

Frustration: Car troubles
As Brad was taking our car in to get new tires (this was part of the plan) he ended up basically blowing out a tire (no loud pop, but it was a totally useless, dead tire) on the way there. Amazingly, when he got there they moved him to the front of the line since he had been in to speak with them the day before and made an appointment (which he was obviously late for because of the tire change). Love them! Other good news along these lines...this did not happen to ME with two kids in the backseat. Brad told me there was no way I could have changed it myself as he could barely get the nuts off.
And then more bad news...when they had his car up to change the tires, they said it looked like he had an oil leak and suggested he get it looked at right away. Good news, they suggested a car place and apparently mentioning the managers name at Discount Tire scores you big points at car-fix-it place. Bad news...they had to order a part which was not in until 5 pm. Yep, all day at the car place. The good news is he got a ton of his computer stuff etc posted on Craigslist while waiting on the car. Other good news? Easy and cheap repairs included the filter (which was the thing leaking) and two things with the transmission. Again, Elizabeth not broken down with dead transmission with two kids in the car. And the last bit of good news along those lines? I now know how to spell transmission. :)
Fun: Camping!
Ever since Lorelei mentioned wanting to see a falling star, I had this date jotted down on the calendar to stay up late to try and watch the meteor shower. We had also been planning on her and Brad camping out sometime in the Spring. It seemed like a great idea to combine the two.
The girl was as excited as you would expect a kid to be going to Disney World. If you can imagine how loud and wound up she is normally...imagine it times ten!
What camping is complete without roasting marshmallows and making s'mores? Can you tell Brad picked up the marshmallows? They were the biggest I've ever seen. Lorelei gathered her own sticks for the campfire a few days before.

Silly Faces!

We had such a great time looking at the stars (by this time Makin was a sleep of course) but did not get to see a falling star as we had hoped. I went back out and checked at midnight and didn't see any either. Not sure if it was the timing or too much glow from the city lights. Guess we will have to plan a trip to the country to see one someday and be ready to stay up really late! Lorelei was not phased at all by not seeing one and loved looking and finding shapes in the sky. She made it until 9:45 before saying she was ready to go to sleep in the tent. Brad said it took her about 20 minutes to wind down before she finally fell asleep.

And they made it through the night! And yes Brad was grunting and groaning when they came into the house Sunday morning. Hard, hard ground and not much extra room in a kid-sized tent! What a good dad he is! Just loved how excited she was and making fun memories like this.