Tuesday, April 3, 2012


After a peaceful morning of playing at home and story-time, we got home just as Brad was telling me to turn on the news and watch for tornadoes heading our way.

After getting both kids down for nap and watching the news and skies for 1 1/2 hours, the kids and I headed to the bathtub...oh also after moving TWO mattresses into the bathroom I might add. I thought bigger would be better so tried the guest mattress...but it doesn't fit over the tub! So after Lorelei woke up we got her mattress moved in. I had to wake up Makin who was NOT a happy camper to be woken up from a wonderful nap only to be plunked into a tub under a mattress. After about 15 minutes of crying only relieved by browsing through my cell phone pictures, Brad let us know it should be okay to get out. Thank goodness it did not take the two hours the newsman mentioned it could for the storms to clear! Here we have Lorelei happily eating the marshmallows (after the chaos...obviously) which were my attempt to get them both to stop crying! :) Also with her bike helmet. Now we need to get one for Makin...not for bike riding, but for tornado warnings apparently!

After watching the news I am so thankful we made it just fine without incident. 600 families were affected with about 15 tornadoes reported throughout the area.

And boy do I miss having a basement!


  1. Yikes!!!! So glad you guys are safe!

  2. I'm honestly pretty impressed that you moved that big mattress by yourself.
