Friday, November 30, 2012

The Big 3-0

My Happy Birthday Included Many of My Favorite Things:
chocolate chip pancakes, hugs and "Happy Birthday's" from the best kids in the whole world, a trip to Barnes and Noble complete with Starbucks coffee, many phone calls (including singing!) from family, messages that made me smile from friends and family, a few special packages in the mail, Red Lobster brought home for supper, a dishes-free night. :)

30 on the 30th. I should get a gold star for that right? ;)


  1. Someone told me once that when your age is the same number as your birthday, it's called your Golden Birthday. Happy Golden Birthday!!!!! Sydney's is this year, too-just like her almost birthday buddy ;)

  2. I think you should get lots of gold stars! Sounds like a great day. And there are few things better than a dish-free evening. :-) Happy Birthday, my friend!
