We made Killer Brownies to drop off at the Fire Department we drive past nearly every day. The kids were super helpers unwrapping every single caramel! :)
And even though I spent the entire 10 minute drive telling Lorelei that we were not going to see the fire house, and were simply thanking them for doing their jobs, we got invited to take a look at the entire fire house. How can you say no when they offer anyway?!? The kids were elated. They showed them the trucks and then even took them upstairs for the full tour of rooms, kitchen, etc AND completed it with a huge bang by actually going down the fire pole for them to see. (Only one guy, the rest were out.) It was pretty amazing and kids were completely spoiled and in awe of the whole thing. Hope they ate a lot of brownies for all that. ;)
Adorable drawing on the card! How nice of them to give you guys a full tour. We made cookies for our local librarians this Christmas and they loved them -- they told us that hardly anyone brings them cookies.