(Belated Half Year Post)
Cereal: Cheerios or Crispix, but would always pick pancakes for breakfast if he could
Book: Noah And The Animals (Little People book with flaps), he literally said, "That's my favorite book!" and Curious George and The Bunny "That's my other favorite one!" I would also add Little Blue Truck to his list. :)
TV Show: Little Einsteins, Doc McStuffins
Food: Mac N Cheese
Snack: Raisens, Crackers with Cream Cheese
Place At Home: Room
Place Out: Park
Toy: Cars
Color: Green
Song: Jesus Loves Me
He is still very particular about many things. A couple of examples would be he will not eat a broken cracker. Even if its a little tiny flake missing off the top. Also, if there is even a milometer of crust left on his bread he will pick it off and set it to the side.
He is potty trained. :) Yup. Proud Mamma!
Hip Hops = Flip Flops
Commonly heard sayings
"What in da (the) wowd (world)!?"
"I sink so." (I Think so)
"Shuh." (Sure)
"I win!" (Everything is a competition around here lately!)
"I have idea!"
"Do it myself." or "Me myself!"
"I wuv (love)..."
Early on in potty training I kept asking him all day if he needed to go potty and after noticing his annoyance I said, "Have I asked you enough times?" Makin followed with, "Too much."
When you are trying to figure out what he is saying and are not even close you get "No, no, no, no, no." (Getting quieter and faster as he says it...make sense? :) )
Me: Are you Mommy's boy?
Makin: No. Me Eli's (Lorelei's) boy.
Such a sweetheart! I love that after your Virginia Beach visit I can hear Makin's little voice in my head actually saying his various phrases as I read them on your blog.