So I'm a bit sad I keep having trouble with good post titles because of my odd weekly posts! I feel like trying to do home-school preschool and being in a town with few friends leads to pretty boring blog posts! But, I don't want to get too far behind so here comes another one. :)
I didn't really plan on doing school updates every week, and am guessing they will slow down here soon, but I'm still working on a good balance with school and still having fun...mostly failing and just doing school. We only have it for an hour or so in the morning, but the rest of the day seems to get away from us. We are still working on A-I until she knows them. I have tried lots of different techniques so we had quite the variety this week. Egg carton match up (matching a picture with correct letter - like Elephant goes with E), Leap Frog over letters (their favorite, big surprise) I spy, and Finding Letters in Shaving Cream, to name a few. We are also practicing with Zoo Phonics cards. Makin will probably be able to start Kindergarten next year too! :) I have now resorted to bribery and as soon as she knows A-I (really, really knows them, right now its still touch and go on a few) they both get to go to the indoor swimming pool with Daddy.

We tried out a new recipe - pumpkin brownies. :) We love chocolate (both kids said their favorite treat is brownies and I very rarely make them!) and fall just means I have to add pumpkin to everything. They were pretty good, but not sure we will have to make them again this fall. :)
Thank goodness I had these felt jack o lanterns from last year
so I had something easy and fun to do!
I have mentioned being not so good at balance...which includes having a HUGE to-do list for weekends. We were especially busy the last two weekends with house projects because weekends coming up have fun plans in them...but that doesn't mean we shouldn't have a little fun now too...
A chilly rainy Saturday afternoon was perked up significantly by a game of bowling. It is so fun to watch how excited the kids get. They both used the ramp as well as threw/rolled a few. Probably will have more visits this winter!
It was a CHILLY weekend for sure. I refused to turn on the heat (starting to feel like Melissa's house around here) because it was warming up Monday. Plus, we just read a Fancy Nancy book about going green which encourages you to wear a sweater rather than turn up the heat. :) We had warm toes with our cozy slippers. :)
Okay so, don't want you to think we had NO fun this week. Makin and I went to Evan's game Monday (Lorelei had to stay home after a rough day, so she and Daddy had a good time together), we had a play date on Wednesday (Yippie! We are so friend deprived!) and enjoyed lunch with the Smith family Sunday after church. And of course, the usual family night (they were so proud of Makin with his Bible verse!) and story time fun as well. :)
You're such a fun teacher!! I love all of your different activities. And I laughed at the heat comment; we've read that same Fancy Nancy book. :-)
ReplyDeleteI love the pumpkin faces - we're going to have to try that. Looks like a fun week - those slippers look cozy, too!