Friday, April 11, 2014


The temps are starting to cooperate a bit more this week and we have really been enjoying it. As long as its warm enough, we get to the park every day. Sometimes we head out in the car to a special park (like in these pics), but usually we go the one down the block from our house. We can go there no matter how many kids we have and we are so thankful to have it close. We miss our backyard swing set, so this makes up for not having it just a little. :)

We were thrilled to see a whopping 80 degrees in the forecast for Wednesday!

Bubble Time

We did some Easter crafts and activities this week as well.

It is amazing how much kids love this game! :)
On Pinterest there are different variations for each holiday.

Egg hunting. One color egg for each child. Brilliant!

Egg carton lunches - so fun!

We had some special school activities for Easter as well. Jelly bean graphing and egg sight words were especially fun. Makin is keeping up with his big sister pretty well. He asks to do school work with her if she does it when he is awake. He was enjoying the file folder number games in this pic.

I'm not pushing reading right now, but saw this idea on pinterest and thought it was fun. Plus a certain girl is very eager to learn to read so it's hard not to get excited. :) So proud of our girl!