We had fun putting in hot rollers and curling her hair. She was SO excited. She loved seeing her classmates out of school (it is at a church since there isn't room in the school) and we enjoyed the "mess up cookies" from the cookie fundraiser afterwards and visiting for a bit.
I had to chuckle at Lorelei's height, as you will notice she is quite a bit taller than the rest, partially because she was very strong in her belief that she needed high heals. :)
Not a great chance to see her class, but here are the names anyway. :) From left: Mya, Lorelei, Nina, Benjamin, Regan and Anna (Brianna was sick that day.)
Sunday was the program at church. Makin was a sheep again this year and Lorelei was Mary. They both did a wonderful job. :) There were two other women in charge of the program, but I was in charge of getting them sent at the right time, as well as the songs, so this was my most stressed program so far! :)
Way to go, Lorelei!