Thursday, November 26, 2015

School Happenings

Lorelei's school participated in Feed the Need, which sends meals to Haiti. She has learned quite a bit about Haiti through this experience and was very excited to help. Her favorite part of the event was packing the meals.

Makin and I volunteered for a few hours that morning, and he was quite the little helper himself.

I was so thankful for this service opportunity to have the kids think outside of our little bubble and see the needs of many who have so much less than we do.

I have enjoyed seeing Lorelei's progress these last couple of months. There are moments when I worry that she is not getting it, and then we have days where it feels like the best home school day ever and everything clicks. The picture from hangman made me smile. We play that at bedtime about once a week, and she finally gave a more challenging word. ("Friend" is on her "word wall"/list she is expected to spell correctly, at least with the help of the word folder.)

Lorelei also loved having Grandparents Day at her school. The grandparents ate at a luncheon, then the students sang songs for the grandparents and got to show them their classroom. Since we don't have any local, Jerry and Joyce stepped in as her "grand friends" and we were so glad they could join her.

Singing at Grandparent's Day 

In October Makin's school had a fire truck stop by for a visit. It rained during the visit, but he still enjoyed it. I didn't come back for it, but had to snap a shot of him on his way in with his shirt. :)

Makin took November off of school for surgery. I have to say I really loved having a week where I didn't have to run him to school on Lorelei's school days. We enjoyed our time just the two of us a little less harried than the norm. On the school note, he is showing more interest in writing words phonetically. Writing has definitely not been something he has enjoyed, so it seemed like an exciting break through! (Here is his grocery list.)

We have also worked a bit on his reading with the added down time lately. It has been so fun to see him learn more words!

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