Thankfully the pool stayed open past Labor Day, because the temperatures certainly stayed toasty!

The library near the school added some fun features, but it is for ages 5 and under, so Makin took advantage it the two weeks before he turned 6! He loved the train as well as the ball run. Lorelei was thrilled I just let her play at the computer while he was busy, because I had to be in this area with him the whole time.

I really want to branch out this year and have a little more fun with our home-school flexibility. The kids are signed up with Barnes and Noble Kid's Club, which means they get a free treat at the Starbucks in Barnes and Noble within 10 days or so of their birthday. Who can resist that?! We headed there after just knocking out about 1-2 subjects at home. Lorelei loved the freedom of sitting halfway across the room and I loved her being more motivated to do her own lessons and read from her own lesson plans! We may make this happen once a month if it goes this well the next time!
Joyce's Birthday
We loved heading to Jerry and Joyce's house to celebrate her birthday, complete with cake, a bounce house, Jerry's Lego/Train combo and water balloon/spray fun!
Friend Time
We always love our friend time and have loved getting to know some new classmates as well as kiddos from last year.
Makin and Charlie happy to be sister-free. Lorelei went home with a friend before the school picnic and we took Charlie with us.
We had 5 kids turn out for a last-minute kindergarten pool playdate. Was great chance for the kids to swim and moms to chat with our feet in the water. :)
We also had an after school Kindergarten park playdate which had a great turn out, only missing about 3 classmates. His class seems to have a great group of moms who are excited about GCA and getting the kids together outside of school.
We met up with one of Makin's classmates at the lake one morning. We had the day before more open because of parent teacher conferences so we were able to move most of our school work to Thursday.
Lorelei had fun at Macie's Mermaid birthday party.
And Savannah's movie party.
While we absolutely love summer, we are ready for fall!