You are still a natural at most things you attempt.
You love to learn new facts. You love us reading your Weird But True fact book.
You are having fun constructing with Legos more than ever.
You enjoy activities that require lots of energy and usually like a challenge...usually because sometimes you are just in the mood for things to be easy. :)
You love to whistle.
You have good discernment and I'm proud of your ability to lead at a young age.
You come up with really good questions. I am so thankful for Google!
He likes to organize cars during quiet time sometimes. Yes, they are organized by color. And yes, he has way more under his bed. |
"I prayed that my shoes would shrink." (After his sister got new shoes with laces...)
(Lorelei did something silly and I joked, "You need some coffee!")
L: I can't wait for coffee!!!
Makin: You know she is just being sarcastic.
"Can we just sleep in our swimsuits?" (Waterpark afternoon and pool plans the next morning.)
M: Did you like my Fasty (character in their made-up stories) stories?
Brad: Yes, I did.
M: My stories are like #1 readers. (Shorter than Brad's stories!)
(Husking corn.) "I want mine to be hairless."
Nana: If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?
Makin: Um...probably Top Golf.
Me: How do you think they get up there?
Makin: I think they use trampolines.
(As I'm putting him to bed around 7:15...) "Can I have a midnight snack?"
"Lorelei's being really irresponsible."
(Tired at bedtime and crying, explaining why he doesn't want Brad to read him Green Eggs and Ham...) "He doesn't read it with strong feeling!"
(10 hours into our road trip)
"Stop it! Lorelei's touching me just to get an attitude out of me!"
(Lorelei was requesting our neighbor come to play again, I told her no...)
"And you are not going to let her bug you into it right?" (instead of talk you into fitting!)
Lor: Could you turn off the light in the laundry room? That's wasting electricity.
M: (Turns off laundry room light, then turns off the light in the bathroom, where L is currently brushing her teeth.) That's wasting electricity!
You often say, "Thank you, thank you a thousand times!" when we do something you really appreciate. The other night you even added, "No, thank you infinity!"
Makin's Six Year Interview
Favorites -
Food: Mac N Cheese
Place: Urban Air
Movie/TV Show: DinoTrux
Color: Green
Thing To Do: Build Legos
Animal: Cat
Books: Berenstain Bears and Magic Tree House
Song: Ooooo this is sea horse songs.
Treat: Killer Brownies
Holiday: Christmas or Halloween
What do you like to do with Daddy? Build Legos
What do you like to do with Mommy? Read Books or Play Games
What do you like to do with Lorelei? Play Puppy and Kitty
What makes you happy? Hugs
What do you think about before you fall asleep? What we are going to do the next day.
What do you want to be when you grow up? Work at Clearwater Marine Aquarium (From Dolphin Tale)
His quotes really crack me up! What a great little guy! Like reading all about him!