These kiddos are so loved all year round, and are fully reminded the days leading to Valentine's Day, always getting a package from each set of grandparents, along with whatever Brad and I plan for our day at home. I know they can't really comprehend at their age just how BLESSED they are to be showered with all this love!!! Thank you to the Bohlmann's and the Stahl's for helping our kids feel so special!!!
I remembered to do the kid's hearts on their doors again this year. They insisted on keeping them up so long after last year that I felt like it really meant a lot to them.
This year I went a little crazy and volunteered to do cookies for Lorelei's party and cupcakes for Makin's. I blame my mom for my craziness in this regard. ;)
The kids enjoyed helping frost cookies!
They love that this is one morning where I bend the rules and let them have candy before breakfast...with these giant Reece's hearts it could only be a small piece! :)
They had a wonderful time celebrating at school. They were wired with sugar on the drive home and loved checking out their Valentine's from their classmates.
We had our homemade Red Lobster meal and finished off the day with our tradition of chocolate fondue.
LOVE Lorelai's hair cut!!! All the treats look yummy. Seems like they had a lovely day!