Saturday, September 23, 2017

Lorelei at 9

This girl so loves her pool time!
Lorelei at 9 you...

Love swimming. You would swim every day if you could. You often pretend to be a dolphin.

Want to be constantly socializing. You love time with friends and think life should be a constant play date. You still say you are friends with your entire class. This is a great group of kids so I am thankful you feel that way.

Like creating things, especially to decorate.

Love reading.  You really took off over the summer and if you have any down-time around the house, you head off to read a book. Right now you are into any animal rescue book you can get your hands on. You also like many various American Girl books.

Still have a great love for dogs are persistent on asking for a dog of your own. Since you have not made any headway with that goal after about 8 years of asking, you currently have aspirations to start a dog training business or the like. First you have to prove to your mom you will clean up after these dogs...

Often have great practical suggestions and ideas. I definitely appreciate this and it is a great life skill. This also leads to many long discussions when you are attempting to persuade us into doing something you want.

Keep us on our toes with your moods. This is something that I am daily trying to work on with you.

Still prefer English and Writing over your other subjects. Math is still your biggest struggle. This year Spelling is moving into second with some tricky words for 3rd grade.

Ask what feels like literally a million questions a day.

Still talk a mile-a-minute constantly. Unless you are asleep or reading. ;)

Love to Laugh.

"They said I was NICE. But that's a banned adjective! Blehhhh!" (Referring to her list in her school writing book. They have a list of banned adjectives you are not supposed to use in your in, its not even a compliment because its a banned adjective!)

"I think he knows that if he is funny it encourages us to do things better." (About her tumbling coach)

(Explaining her injured leg to her dad...)
"You know when there is a curb and you don't see it?"

"Look! A weeping willie!!!" (word goof for weeping willow)

"Send the mosquitoes to me! I have a way with animals!"

(Mad) "I'm glad you taught me how to fold my arms!"

"The older you get the dreadfuller it will be." (referring to the number of bites to take of a food you don't want)

"How did he get so mannerable???" (as in, having manners...)

"Act proper!" (Anytime we see a cop)

Me: We call it acorn park.
Lorelei: It's actually called Mustache Park.
Makin: You mean Beard Park!
(The park is really Beard Park, so the mustache thing was hilarious...hope you get this if you weren't there!)

Lorelei's Nine Year Interview

Favorites -
Food: Spaghetti
Place: The Pool
Movie/TV Show: Moanna
Color: Pink and Purple
Thing To Do: Read
Animal: Dog
Books: Puppy Place, Dog Diaries, Horse Diaries, and The American Girl Mysteries and books
Song: All of the songs off of Moanna and songs by Jewel
Treat: Cake and Ice Cream
Holiday: Christmas

What do you like to do with Daddy? Dates, especially getting donuts

What do you like to do with Mommy? Read Books

What do you like to do with Makin? Play Puppies and Kitties

What makes you happy? Reading, being outside, drawing

What do you think about before you fall asleep? What I'm going to do the next day.

What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a Marine Biologist and work at Clearwater Marine Aquarium

1 comment:

  1. I love reading about Lorelei - what a sweet, fun and kind kiddo!
