Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Winter Break

We had a very low-key break following Christmas. It was a nice time to rest and just be home without the busy-ness of school and other activities. It was also very important to me that I take the time to catch up on projects I had been neglecting because of being overly busy, so I had to just quiet down the planner in me. Most days were a mix of chores that needed to be done as well as some crafts with the kids and reading. It was fun to travel to Narnia many days over their winter break. So grateful for this extra downtime and hoping it will help recharge us until spring!

Not a lot of pictures, but of course took a few. :)

We seldom take time for baths anymore, but loved the extra time during break for them to have this down time.
They got plenty of bath bombs for Christmas that smell amazing.

We spent hours making our own snowflakes that we hung in the school room. 
(Gotta make your own snow in Texas!)

We had a DI work day for Brad's team (which I didn't get a pic of) and this included a hunt for sticks.
Charlie and Makin came with us as we walked and were "fencing" together.
They got to play two days over break and loved the extra friend time.

Out to eat with friends after a DI afternoon work day.

The end of break also brought teacher in-service and a yearbook work day. Monday Brad took the kids to TopGolf for the morning. Then they played while he worked in the afternoon. Tuesday he worked while they played with Savannah and Charlie at our house.

One of my favorite winter-break alouds in front of the fire. :)

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