Monday, May 20, 2019

Summer Kickoff Countdown

This year we decided to kick off Summer Break with a countdown! We had seven envelopes and the kids got to open one each morning to find out something fun they would do that day.

We got to knock out something that has been on my bucket list for a while now...Turner Falls! We were excited that our friends would take an adventure with us too!

There is a "castle" there that someone built as their summer home so we explored that for a few minutes.

Loved a sandy spot at the falls.

This was Blue Hole Pool (we swam in two different areas)
 and it might have been the favorite of the kiddos.
They loved letting the current take them into the big pool.
(Life vests are required for anyone under age 13.)

We finished off the day with a drive through Arbuckle Wilderness and saw a variety of animals including camels, llamas, zebras, buffalo and lots more.

Such a fun day adventure!!!

We had a "date day" that ended with storms that put a damper on the boy's date. We girls got pedicures and the boys ended up staying home and having a Wii date, which they still loved.

We spent Sunday afternoon playing putt putt.

The main reason for the countdown was because Brad and I had a surprise up our sleeves and we needed a fun way for the kiddos to find out. We actually ended up telling them a day earlier than our trip (planned to wake them up the morning we left) because Makin walked into Brad's office to tell him something and ended up looking at his calendar he had pulled on his computer...which gave it away! The upside was, I didn't have to pack their suitcases in my closet! :)

LEGOLAND trip post coming up next! :)

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