Thursday, December 31, 2020

Goodbye To 2020

"The year that shall not be named." - From Dude Perfect who tweaked Harry Potter. ;)

The year Covid 19 hit. It will go down in history books. We lived it.

What a year. 

A year full of canceling and pivoting.

Though this blog is typically full of highlights, it would be remiss not to touch on the disappointments of the year.

We faced the every-day frustrations of the world, such as seeing the shelves of the grocery store emptied, trying to navigate an entirely online classroom, donning masks to enter any just touch on a few... 

As we thought about the challenges of 2020, while most of the year had plenty of frustrations, and we didn't experience such heavy losses as losing a loved one, we felt we had three big disappointments that will be in our memories. In order of biggest to big: Not being able to continue to compete at the next level in DI, postponing our Ultimate Florida Trip twice, and coming home from our beach trip due to a hurricane. 

While it has absolutely been a year full of big disappointments, I'm thankful to reflect on the good moments we did have. This year especially, we could call this a Silver Linings Jar. As I put this together, it reminded me we still have so much to be thankful for. For me, the key is and will always be something we have been taught throughout our life, gratitude. Gratitude turns what we have into enough. There is always beauty to be found. 

Here's to a fresh year!


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